Looking towards Lent – News for Feb 23rd.

Lent begins this week!  How are you going to use Lent?

Shrove Tuesday – February 25th. At 6:30pm in The Rectory we shall be screening the entire film “Chocolat” in readiness for all those who will attend the Lent Course.  Please sign sheet for Lent Course and Shrove Tuesday Film.

Ash Wednesday.  26th February. This marks the beginning of Lent.  We offer Mass with Imposition of Ashes at Noon (said) and a Sung Mass with Imposition of Ashes at 6:00pm.

LENT COURSE – CHRIST AND THE CHOCOLATERIE. We will meet every Tuesday at The Rectory from 7:00pm.  March 3rd – 31st. There will be 5 sessions on the themes of giving up, acceptance and change.

Every Friday evening in Lent at 6:00pm there will be The Way of the Cross. We shall walk the stations of the Cross around our Church with hymns and readings and devotions. Every week will be a different devotion led by Fr Paul to deepen our understanding of the death and passion of Jesus. These devotions begin on February 28th.


WORLD DAY OF PRAYER.  On Friday March 6th at 2pm we shall be hosting the Ramsgate World Day of Prayer.

Safeguarding TrainingOn Wednesday March 11th at 6:30pm in our Hall there will be a full Safeguarding training course for all PCC members, Sunday School helpers, Church Musicians and any member of the congregation that would like to be better trained in the care of our young people and vulnerable adults. The course is free and you will be awarded a certificate. Please speak with Fr Paul or Churchwardens today.

ELECTORAL ROLL – If you worship with us on a regular basis you are eligible to have your name on the Church Electoral roll. This allows you to vote at the Parish Annual Meeting, stand for office within the Church and take your full part in the governance of our Parish Church. Application forms are available from the Wardens. This roll is being revised in preparation for our AGM on April 26th.

Church Votive Candles are now 20p suggested donation.