What is the Parochial Church Council?



The Parochial Church Council is the governing body of a parish church. It is also a charity.  A PCC with an annual income of more than £100,000 must be registered with the Charity Commissioners; those with an income below this threshold, whilst not currently required to register, must comply with all other charity laws.

The PCC has legal status and the Church Representation Rules apply


The PCC is a team made up of members of clergy and lay members of the church. Together they are responsible for the overall wellbeing, practical as well as spiritual, of their church, the church members, and the church buildings. The PCC also has a duty to promote the mission of the church within the wider community. Some of the responsibilities are devolved to the Rector and Churchwardens but to quote from the Parochial Church Council (Powers) Measure 1956 section 2 ‘It shall be the duty of the Rector and the PCC to consult together on matters of general concern and importance to the parish’. Members of the PCC have the right to be consulted, to know what is proposed, and to have the opportunity to express an opinion on it.

The Rector is Chairman of the PCC.  A Lay Chair (or vice-chair), a treasurer, and secretary will usually be elected to office at its first meeting after the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM).


Prayer and Worship are at the heart of the work of the PCC. The PCC should ensure that appropriate arrangements are in place for public worship and provide an opportunity for people of all ages to meet for prayer and worship.

In practice this might mean agreeing on the format and timings of services that will meet the needs of the church members, providing facilities for younger members and families, setting up Bible study or Prayer groups.


The PCC has an important part to play in promoting the mission of the church, amongst the congregation and in the wider community, and members of the PCC should demonstrate their commitment to the Christian ethos, through leadership, by example and by witness, in the parish.  The PCC is encouraged to develop, and maintain, a Growth Action Plan (GAP), to review the life of the church and identify mission opportunities.

Every member should be involved at each stage of the GAP process – the development of the plan, its implementation, and a regular review process.


The PCC and its members have a duty to support their clergy, prayerfully and personally. They have a duty to support the members of the congregation and to extend a welcome to all who visit the church, to members of the church community and to those visiting the church at other times.  The church has a duty of pastoral care to all who live in our communities, whether members of the church or not, and PCC members are expected to take the lead in demonstrating that care.


The PCC will appoint a treasurer, and sometimes an assistant treasurer, to manage the day to day finances of the parish. The treasurer does not need to be a qualified accountant (though a very large parish might consider it appropriate to appoint a qualified accountant).   He/She must understand how to maintain books, must have a good knowledge of the parish and the work of the church, and importantly must have the full confidence of the PCC membership. The treasurer will keep members informed on the financial situation and present a full report to each PCC meeting.  PCC members are Trustees of a charity and are responsible for managing the Church’s finances. They must ensure that all funds are properly accounted for,

the books properly maintained, and the PCC annual accounts inspected or audited, and formally approved by the PCC, prior to the APCM.

In law, the PCC is a body corporate. This means that it is a separate body from the people who serve on it so PCC members are not liable for any debts incurred by the PCC. However, the trustees do have certain responsibilities under the Charities Act and members should acquaint themselves with Trusteeship, an introduction for PCC members which provides more detailed guidance.


The PCC is responsible for the care and maintenance of the fabric of the church, and any other buildings owned by the church. In practice the PCC may appoint a Buildings subcommittee to assist them but the PCC members should be aware of any issues relating to the buildings and they have the responsibility of deciding on them and voting on items of expenditure.


The PCC is required by law to meet at least four times a year (one meeting may follow on from the APCM) though some PCCs may decide to meet more frequently. There is a strong argument for holding more frequent, but shorter, meetings and in any event good practice suggests a maximum two hours for each meeting as a general rule.

The PCC should take time at these meetings to consider and discuss, and if appropriate vote upon, matters concerning the Church of England arising at a higher synod or referred down to the PCC by the Bishop or by the deanery, diocesan or General Synod.

The PCC may also on occasion decide to send information, an opinion or a motion up to the deanery synod.  The PCC meeting should be a forum for open discussion with every member feeling able to ask a question or voice an opinion.


If you are 16 years old or over, have been on the electoral roll of your parish for at least 6 months and are an actual communicant, YOU can stand for election to your PCC.

Someone may ask – What skills do I need to be a member of the PCC? Skills may be too prescriptive, it is better perhaps to say that someone interested in becoming a member of the PCC will be:

· A committed member of the congregation

· Interested in and involved with the life of the church and the local community

· Willing to learn and to share ideas, experience and gifts

· Caring

· Able to listen to another’s point of view

Some golden rules of PCC membership


· Attend meetings (and on time)

· Read the papers before the meeting, be prepared

· Ask if in doubt (especially important for new members)

· Try not to fall out with your fellow members

· Listen to all the arguments being put forward before making up your mind

· Enjoy being a member of the PCC!

Do not

· Volunteer for a task unless you are sure that you have the time to complete it

The PCC needs thinkers and doers, questioners and listeners but you do not have to be

· a saint

· a theologian

· an expert

Though nobody will mind if you are!