March 1st The First Sunday of Lent and beyond


This coming Sunday is the First Sunday in Lent. You are invited to join us for the Parish Mass at 9:30am  followed by Coffee. Our Sunday School begins this week after the half- term break.

OUR LENT COURSE – CHRIST AND THE CHOCOLATERIE. We meet every Tuesday at The Rectory from 7:00pm.

Every Friday evening in Lent at 6:00pm there will be The Way of the Cross. We shall walk the stations of the Cross around our Church with hymns and readings and devotions. Every week will be a different devotion led by Fr Paul to deepen our understanding of the death and passion of Jesus.

WORLD DAY OF PRAYER. On Friday March 6th at 2pm we shall be hosting the Ramsgate World Day of Prayer. Come and join Christians form all the Churches in Ramsgate at Holy Trinity for a special time of prayer and worship. This year the service has been put together by the women of Zimbabwe. Refreshments will be served after the service.

Safeguarding Training – On Wednesday March 11th at 6:30pm in our Hall there will be a full Safeguarding training course open to all. The course is free and you will be awarded an official certificate.

ELECTORAL ROLL – If you worship with us on a regular basis you are eligible to have your name on the Church Electoral roll. This allows you to vote at the Parish Annual Meeting, stand for office within the Church and take your full part in the governance of our Parish Church. Application forms are available from the Wardens. This roll is being revised in preparation for our AGM on April 26th. If you wish to know more about serving on the PCC and what it does, please check out our web site for full details. see article on PCC.

Deanery Synod – March 26th. The Thanet Deanery Synod meets on this day at Holy Trinity, Margate at 7:30pm.

If you would like to make a donation for fresh Easter flowers in memory of a loved one or as a thank offering please see Sherri Baker or Fr Paul. Names of our loved ones will be written on a special commemorative list displayed in Church over Easter.

CHRISM MASS IN CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL Will you join us in the Cathedral at Canterbury with Bishop Norman for the Blessing of Oils on Tuesday April 7th at Noon. This is an amazing liturgy as the holy oils are blessed and all the priests renew their ordination vows.