The week beginning March 15th. Lent 3

This coming Sunday – March 15th is the Third Sunday in Lent. Please join us for the Sung Parish Mass at 9:30am followed by Coffee and refreshments in the hall.

Don’t forget we offer an amazing interactive Sunday at the same time as the Parish Mass. Our children work on the same biblical themes as we adults are reflecting on within the Mass. At Communion time the children rejoin the full congregation to present their work and craft items.

Please note that during the time of the Coronavirus, Holy Communion will be given in one kind only. Medical advice strongly condemns intinction and many people are not happy to drink from a common cup. Also, it is sensible at the passing of the Peace, to refrain from handshakes and other forms of physical contact.

 LENT COURSE – CHRIST AND THE CHOCOLATERIE. We meet every Tuesday at The Rectory from 7:00pm.  We also meet in Church every Friday evening throughout Lent at 6:00pm to walk the The Way of the Cross.

ELECTORAL ROLL – If you worship with us on a regular basis you are eligible to have your name on the Church Electoral roll. Application forms are available from the Wardens. Please check out our web site for full details.  see article on PCC.

Will you join us for quiet, silence and prayer at the Meditation Group meet at The Rectory – March 18th at 7:00pm.

 Sunday 22nd March is Mothering Sunday. Please join us as we thank God for mothers. Special prayer cards and flowers will be given to all attending our special Mass on this day.

Wednesday March 25th is LADY DAY. The feast of the Annunciation of Our Lord to Mary. Mass at 6:00pm.

 Deanery Synod – March 26thThe Thanet Deanery Synod meets on this day at Holy Trinity, Margate at 7:30pm.

The PCC meet in Church  after Mass on Sunday 29th March

If you would like to make a donation for fresh Easter flowers in memory of a loved one or as a thank offering please see Sherri Baker or Fr Paul. Names of our loved ones will be written on a special commemorative list displayed in Church over Easter.

The Hygiene Basket – Please don’t forget to bring you small gifts of toiletries for our Hygiene basket.

CHRISM MASS IN CANTERBURY CATHEDRAL     Will you join us in the Cathedral at Canterbury with Bishop Norman for the Blessing of Oils on Tuesday April 7th at Noon. This is an amazing liturgy as the holy oils are blessed and all the priests renew their ordination vows.