The Feast of the Most Holy Trinity and our 175th Anniversary.

Sunday June 7th is The Feast of the Most Holy Trinity, and it is also our 2020 Patronal Festival in this 175th year of our parish history.
Our Church takes this dedication of Holy Trinity in all probability from a much earlier place of worship in the locality. Just up the road, in the ancient parish of St Lawrence, there was a medieval Chantry Chapel dedicated to the Most Holy Trinity, but it was in ruins by 1817, and then after being made into a domestic dwelling, it was finally demolished in 1993. So, I guess our forebears re- dedicated their new Church on Mount Albion to the Most Holy Trinity, thus encouraging us in our generation to carry on the work of prayer and service dedicated to this mysterious God who is three in one!
This coming Sunday morning at 9:30am will “live” stream a special Mass from the Church which we hope that you will join us for on Facebook. Then at 11:00am, our Musical Director and family will again stream special music for Trinity Sunday.

As this is our 175th year, we shall make special thanksgiving at our Mass on Sunday June 7th, recalling the Consecration of the Church on June 11th 1845 at 11:00am. The Consecration was presided over by the Archbishop of Canterbury, The Most Reverend William Howley. Hopefully, in August, if we are back in Church by then, we shall have a special Mass on August 30th to commemorate the laying of the foundation stone on August 29th 1844.

The Covid-19 restrictions concerning Churches and public worship have no sign of being changed at present, and in fact the Bishop of London, who is heading up the Church of England response team to the Virus, is suggesting that it could even be 2021 before we see normal worship patterns emerge.
Please give thanks to God for our Parish and its Church and for the last 175 years of Christian witness, worship, and service.
Fr Paul