Newsletter for July 19th 2020

This coming Sunday July 19th we welcome with great joy The Archbishop of Canterbury, The Most Reverend Justin Welby as our celebrant and preacher at the 9:30am Parish Mass.
Due to Covid-19 restrictions and social distancing requirements we are very limited for seating capacity in Church, and therefore we can only accommodate those who have pre-booked seats. Our aim is to be as safe as possible, and therefore we can only allow access to those who have informed us prior to Saturday July 18th by 1:00pm.
If you have already informed us, your name will be on list for stewards to guide you through the entrance procedure, so come early if you can! Please call The Rectory on 654102 to book a seat.
This Mass will also be “live” streamed at 9:30am on our Parish Facebook page.

Names will be checked off the list, hand cleansing stations will be provided in various places at the entrance, and then you will be escorted to a designated seat to comply with your own immediate family bubble or individual seating. We cannot permit people to sit just where they like on this occasion. Also at the time of Communion, stewards will guide you safely to the place of Communion, and when returning to your seats, you will also be guided by stewards.
The Most Reverend Justin Welby was ordained in 1992 after an 11-year career in the oil industry. He spent his first 15 years serving in Coventry diocese, often in places of significant deprivation.
In 2002 he was made a Canon of Coventry Cathedral, where he jointly led its international reconciliation work. During this time he worked extensively in Africa and the Middle East. Archbishop Justin has had a passion for reconciliation and peace-making ever since.
He was Dean of Liverpool Cathedral from 2007 to 2011 and Bishop of Durham from 2011 to 2012, before being announced as the 105th Archbishop of Canterbury in late 2012.
FAREWELL TO RUTH & NICK. As you will know by now, Ruth and Nick have stood down as Churchwardens. We had hoped to mark their years of faithful service with a suitable gift. However, they have asked that any monetary gifts be given to the local Food Bank via Holy Trinity Church. There is a card for you to sign.
Annual Parish Meeting – Sunday July 26th The APM will take place immediately after Mass next Sunday. We hope that this will be the shortest APM on record, but we need to conduct the formal business of the parish as required by Canon Law. If you are interested in serving on the PCC, we still have some vacant places to fill. We have to date two applications for nomination for Churchwardens. We are still looking for a new PCC secretary, but we now have the offer of a new Safeguarding Officer in Paul Gorham. Exciting times indeed!
HOLY TRINITY SCHOOL We are very pleased to announce that on September 23rd the Bishop of Dover, The Right Reverend Rose Hudson-Wilkin will be visiting our Church school for worship and to address the school., and also to see what we get up to in our amazing school. Please hold all our staff and pupils in your prayers, especially those leaving for Secondary School. Pray also for all the new children we will be welcoming in September.