News from HTR – July 26th

This coming Sunday – July 26th is our Annual Parish Meeting immediately after Mass. The Church of England’s Parochial Church Meetings and Councils rules stipulate that in “every parish the Annual Parish Meeting shall be held not later than the 30th April, but due to Covid-19 we have up until October 31st 2020. We decided to move to conduct our meeting this Sunday, having given all the relevant notice over the last few weeks.
The First part of the meeting is for the election of Churchwardens. The purpose of this Annual Parish Meeting is to elect members to the Parish Church Council; for those members of the PCC to represent the parish on the Deanery Synod; to review the finances and the workings of the parish over the previous calendar year. All reports are in written and printed form to save time, and there are copies of our annual accounts available. We hope that you can stay for this meeting. Just a gentle reminder that only those on the Church electoral roll have a vote in the APM.
FAREWELL TO RUTH & NICK. As you will know by now, Ruth and Nick have stood down as Churchwardens. We had hoped to mark their years of faithful service with a suitable gift. However, they have asked that any monetary gifts be given to the local Food Bank via Holy Trinity Church. There is a card for you to sign. If you are still shielding, and cannot be in Church, please feel free to send a greeting via email to Fr Paul for inclusion in the card. If you are not on email, then simply call Fr Paul with you greeting and message.
HOLY TRINITY SCHOOL We are very pleased to announce that on September 23rd the Bishop of Dover, The Right Reverend Rose Hudson-Wilkin will be visiting our Church school for worship and to address the school., and also to see what we get up to in our amazing school. Please hold all our staff and pupils in your prayers, especially those leaving for Secondary School. Pray also for all the new children we will be welcoming in September.

Thank You to all those people that helped prepare our Church for the visit of the Archbishop last weekend. To the stewards, Church cleaners and readers, musicians and to all who attended even with social distancing in place. Thank you all. Fr Paul
Rector on holiday
Fr Paul will be taking some annual leave from August 15th until August 28th. During this time Fr Michael Morris will be covering our Sunday Mass and Wednesday evening Mass at 6:00pm. If you require a priest in an emergency, please contact the newly elected Churchwardens in the first instance. Contact details will be made available after the Annual Parish Meeting.

As from September 1st our normal pattern of weekday Masses will resume.
Tuesday Mass at 9:30am. Wednesday Mass at 6:00pm. Friday Mass at 12 Noon.
For those reading at Mass – On Sunday 16th August we will be observing the Assumption of Our Lady into Heaven. Special Readings will be used at Mass for the feast. Revelation 11:19-12:6, 10. Psalm 45: 11-18. Galatians. Luke 1: 46-55. See page on Lectern Lectionary under August 15th
August 23rd will be the Readings set for Trinity 11 Year A

On Sunday 30th August at our 9:30am Parish Mass we shall recall the Laying of the Foundation Stone of our Parish Church on the 29th August 1844 by J.A. Warre Esq. on the site of the ground presented by Madelle D’Este. This is a wonderful opportunity to rejoice and give thanks for 175 years of pur Church and its Christian witness to this community.

Ride and Stride – 12th September 2020
We are looking for volunteers to open our Church on this Saturday from 10:00am until 5:00pm or to take your bicycle and ride the Churches of Thanet and beyond to raise urgently needed money to save our historic Kent Churches, including our own building. See Fr Paul or Wardens. Please be aware that no cover is needed from 11:30am until 12:30pm as we have a Marriage Service taking place in Church.

Running the Church! The PCC that you elect today at our APM has the task of caring for the Church, making sure that our financial situation is sound, and to make sure our Church functions well at all levels. This includes health and safety, safeguarding, mission and outreach, and to work with the parish priest in proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ in our worship and pastoral care of the congregation and parishioners.
Inevitably this requires money to make the system work. We extend our grateful thanks to all those regular givers who assist us to plan financially and be good stewards of what has been entrusted to us from the past. We want to encourage new people to sign up as regular givers by BACS payment or Direct Debit. If you wish to set up a Direct Debit for your giving and help our church here is our Church Bank details: Nat West Bank: Sort code 60-17-17 Account: 82912408. Thank you! The amount you give is your business, but as a leading supermarket reminds us “Every little helps!”