We are extremely fortunate at Holy Trinity to have a fine 3 manual pipe organ in good condition. Some years ago, the people of Holy Trinity had the wisdom and foresight to make provision for a rebuild of this fine instrument which has been a great asset to the church ever since. Since the rebuild, the organ has continued to serve us well and attracts musicians from all over Kent and beyond, both to hear and play the instrument, as well as using the organ as part of instrumental groups. We are the only church in Ramsgate to have an organ of this size and quality that is in good repair. One visiting organist from a church in North Thanet played our organ for 30 seconds and immediately said “I want one!”
As we move forward into the new decade, our magnificent pipe organ will play an exciting part in regular Sunday worship, special services, concerts, special events, and new education programmes to enable both adults and our young people to understand and play this wonderful instrument. Churches throughout the world have found that having a quality pipe organ encourages vibrant music-making in the church, encouraging healthy congregations as well as enthusiastic interest from outside.
Like all complex devices, our organ needs timely maintenance and several items now need attention. In particular, the drawstops are due for renewal as they possibly date from 1963 or earlier and are beginning to fail. In organ building terms the amount of work and expenditure is relatively modest and will preserve this fine organ for future generations. Attending to the work now, will also help us avoid a significantly larger cost in the future.

If you would like to contribute to this special project – either anonymously or perhaps in memory of a loved one, you can speak to Steve, Father Paul or the Churchwardens. Or donate direct to our Bank, marking your donation as ORGAN: Nat West Bank: Sort code 60-17-17 Account: 82912408. Thank you! We have 10% of the total cost gifted all ready!
Steve Ansell. Director of Music