Week beginning September 6th News and Events

This coming Sunday September 6th we have our Parish Mass at 9:30am with our choir now singing a limited musical input. Live streaming will continue for the time being.
Now that school is back, is it time to consider returning to Church? Over the last few months we have worked really hard to deep clean the Church regularly and clean every door handle and light switch and pew with disinfectant wipes. Our toilets are cleaned daily, and we have adopted disposable Mass sheets. We socially distance, and wear face coverings to protect each other.

Many of our congregation have supported us financially since the lock down, and been incredibly generous to the Organ find, but it is being together at worship that makes all the difference. See you very soon!

SUNDAY SCHOOL We hope to restart Sunday School on Sunday September 27th. Full details to follow regarding the special measures we are putting in place to keep your child very safe!
ORGAN APPEAL The total to date stands at £16,830 given towards our target over just over £19,000 plus VAT to cover all major works. The Gift Aid on this amount will give us another £3,366, however that money does not come to us immediately. Fr Paul, Churchwardens and PCC would like to express our sincere thanks to you all for the amazing generosity. There is still time for you to purchase an organ stop at £150 each, a coupler at £50 or a key at £20? See the large board with full details.

The Sacrament of Confirmation – September 20th. There will be a special Mass with Confirmation on Sunday September 20th at 4:00pm. This liturgy will replace the normal 9:30am Mass that day. We welcome Bishop Norman Banks as the Confirming Bishop. Please pray for Rebecca and Dave who are to be Confirmed. Please support this special event if you can. Lynn has postponed her Confirmation until next year.

The new PCC will meet after Mass on Sunday 13th of September. Items for the Agenda to be sent to our Hon Sec, Colleen Kite by email at [email protected] .
Please note that our normal pattern of weekday Masses has now resumed. Tuesday Mass at 9:30am. Wednesday Mass at 6:00pm. Friday Mass at 12 Noon.
Ride and Stride – 12th September 2020. Why not take your bicycle and ride the Churches of Thanet and beyond to raise urgently needed money to save our historic Kent Churches, including our own building. See sign-up sheet in vestibule. Paula Tibbert will be taking part, so please try to sponsor her if you can.