New and Events for week beginning September 20th
On Sunday September 20th we welcome our Bishop, The Right Reverend Norman Banks, the Bishop of Richborough as the principal celebrant of the Mass and to confer the Sacrament of Confirmation on Rebecca Crome and Dave McGrory.
We are all aware that growth is vital to human life; the body and mind must grow to stay alive. Anglican Christians believe that the soul also needs to grow to maturity in the life of grace, just as the human body must grow through childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. So, we believe that the Sacrament of Confirmation is the supernatural equivalent of the growth process on the natural level. It builds on what was begun in Baptism and what was nourished in Holy Eucharist. It completes the process of initiation into the Christian community, and it matures the soul for the work ahead. Please pray for Rebecca and Dave on this special day for them.
OUR SUNDAY SCHOOL RE-OPENS. To start with we will only be able to accommodate children who are school age in order to maintain social distancing. There will be a limit of 15 children and unfortunately no parents can stay. We will use the main hall and children will be seated at tables using individual pens etc. A leaflet will be available next week with more detailed information and this will also be on our Facebook page. We are looking forward to seeing you once again and assure you that we will take all precautions necessary to ensure the safety of the children. If you have any queries at all, please contact Sherri Baker on the number above.
ORGAN APPEAL Correction: The total to date stands at £16,830 given towards our target over just over £19,000 plus VAT to cover all major works. The Gift Aid on this amount will give us another £3,258, however that money does not come to us immediately. Fr Paul, Churchwardens and PCC would like to express our sincere thanks to you all for the amazing generosity. There is still time for you to purchase an organ stop at £150 each, a coupler at £50 or a key at £20? See the large board with full details.
HARVEST FESTIVAL On Sunday September 27th our Mass will be a special Harvest Thanksgiving with the choir singing the traditional Harvest Hymns. Our readings that day will reflect the gathering in of God’s generous and bountiful gifts. “The earth has yielded its produce; God, our God, blesses us.” Psalm 67:6
Weekday Masses have now resumed. Tuesday Mass at 9:30am. Wednesday Mass at 6:00pm. Friday Mass at 12 Noon. Attending a weekday Mass may be a gentle way back to public worship if you are still unsure about Sunday Mass attendance.
KEEPING OUR PEOPLE SAFE. We are now using a new spray sanitiser on all pews and public areas for extra protection against Covid-19. Deep cleaning will continue on a weekly basis with our newly appointed Church cleaner. The latest changes in the law on social gatherings announced recently do not affect public worship at this time. If there are any changes in the law, we will email and advertise these on our Facebook page and on our web site, and by email.
GREAT NEWS! At Holy Trinity Church we are very fortunate to have a fine three manual pipe organ and a very accomplished Director of Music and Organist in Mr Steve Ansell. However, there are many churches across the land that cannot find an organist to accompany regular worship services. At Holy Trinity Church of England School which is attached to our parish, we are taking the success of our School Choir and music department under the direction of Mr Sean Darrock to another level! Aware that organists do not grow on trees,we have partnered with Viscount Organs of Bicester in Oxfordshire and the Royal College of Organists to install a free loan instrument, thanks to the incredible generosity of Viscount Organs and a bursary scheme sponsored by the Royal College of Organists to inspire, train and encourage young people to take up the organ at Holy Trinity School.
The organ will also be used in school worship, Carol Services and Concerts.
Reading at Mass We are compiling a new Rota of Readers for those who read at our Sunday Mass. Is this something you would like to do? If you are interested, then speak with Fr Paul, the Churchwardens or Colleen Kite our PCC Secretary who is compiling the new rota. The new Rota is on the vestibule table. If you have never done anything like this before, please be assured that full training will be given.
HOLY TRINITY SCHOOL We are very pleased to announce that on September 23rd the Bishop of Dover, The Right Reverend Rose Hudson-Wilkin will be visiting our Church school for worship and to address the school., and also to see what we get up to in our amazing school.
Church Repairs You may have noticed the recent scaffolding on the west gable of the Church; this was due to heavy winds dislodging yet more roof tiles. However, when the roofing contractor inspected the problem, he found that we have some movement on the west gable! There is about a 1” inch gap between the gable and the roof tiles. This is not good! Our architect and a structural engineer have now investigated the problem and we are awaiting a full written report as to what we need to do next. Their recommendation will probably require the use of metal straps to bind the west gable to the roof. We are also aware that the stone dressings in various places on the west façade are in need of repair to make them safe and watertight. Further updates will be published as soon as we know more detail from the architect.
The Annual General Meeting of Forward in Faith Canterbury takes place at St Michael and All Angels in Harbledown on Saturday October 17th. If you are a member, and would like a lift, please see Fr Paul.
ADVANCE NOTICE – It is proposed that our Christmas Eve Midnight Mass will move this year from 11:30pm to the earlier time of 10:30pm.

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