Latest News from HTR
Holy Trinity Church Sunday School
Bellevue Road, Ramsgate.
Sundays 9.30-10.30 am
(except in school holidays)
As from Sunday September 27th we are now able to start a limited Sunday school programme which will be for children who are already at school. This is to ensure that they can understand the need for social distancing. We will still try to make this a fun time for children, although it will be different for them. Leaders will wear a face covering/visor as should children over 11.
The sessions will run as follows:
Ø There will be a maximum of 15 places on a first come first served basis.
Ø On arrival please sign in at the welcome desk and use hand sanitiser provided, parents should then go into church and children will come straight into the hall.
Ø Children will be seated at tables sitting either in family ‘bubbles’ or individually distanced from other children and should only leave their desks with permission.
Ø Each child will be given a pencil case to use with everything they need for the session and this will be sanitised afterwards.
Ø Do not come to the back of the church to collect your child, instead we will bring each child out to you just before communion.
Ø Please do not bring your child to Sunday school if they or any one in your household has any symptoms of Coronavirus.
Enquiries – Sherri Baker 01843 862707
Email: [email protected]
Sunday September 27th is also the day we celebrate our Harvest Festival. Harvest Mass at 9:30am.
Harvest Festival is an ideal opportunity to deepen our local church’s understanding of the environment – and the need to protect it. Not only is food the most basic human need, but also it comes to us through the miracle of natural processes – the work of our Creator God.
We can take for granted the availability of food on our supermarket shelves. Few of us grow our own. We don’t suffer directly when drought or floods kill the crops, as many in the global south do. With each new generation becoming increasingly cut off from food production and nature, Harvest Festival is a chance to raise awareness. But is it enough? Weather events are becoming more spectacular — from record hurricanes in the Caribbean to killer droughts in East Africa and fires in the USA. Human action is taking a devastating toll on nature and people around the world. Perhaps we need to delve deeper into the link between our traditional harvest and the environment. Isn’t it time all our churches made care for creation a core aspect of discipleship – not just reserved for Harvest Sunday?

On Sunday 11th October I will have been your parish priest for exactly one year. However, the Covid-19 pandemic, in reality, has reduced that time to an active 6 months of engagement. As your priest, I would like to use this time of the year to reflect on our common mission. To ask what we think God might be asking of us as a congregation at this very strange time, but more importantly where you feel you are in your personal journey of faith.
In the business of Church life, we so often forget that our faith is essentially about a relationship with God/Jesus. Beginning on Sunday October 4th until the 11th and on weekdays I will be raising various questions in the sermon slot at Mass to help us assess what we think we are really about as Christians in this parish. This is not meant to be a frightening experience, but one that will bring to the surface your own questions about why you come to Church, what God means to you, and how best to respond to his call.