New and Events for the week beginning October 4th
Will you join us this coming Sunday October 4th Trinity 17 at 9:30am for The Parish Mass and Sunday School?

STAYING SAFE AT MASS To assist us to stay safe and socially distanced, we would ask that you come to Communion at the new location, at the head of the nave. Fr Paul will stand at the entrance to the choir, this means that as you receive the Sacrament, you can peel off to right or left to return to your seats without having to pass the choir singing in the Lady Chapel without face coverings. We also ask that you wait to light candles until after Mass, this eliminates being near the choir as they sing, thus keeping a safe distance.

Safeguarding in our church and parish.

I have been coming to Holy Trinity Ramsgate for over ten years and serving in the sanctuary almost as long. I am usually a quiet person and I’ve not always socialised outside of the services, but to give back more to the Parish I have taken on the responsibility for Safeguarding. I thought I would take this opportunity to introduce myself and share some thoughts on Safeguarding. Outside of the church I am Assistant Head Teacher in a local special school as such I have years of experience and training in the safeguarding the care and welfare of vulnerable children.
What is Safeguarding?
Safeguarding refers to the process of protecting children and vulnerable adults from harm of abuse and maltreatment. There are various different types of abuse which include, physical, neglect, emotional and sexual abuse; although there are other forms which can seem more subtle. Safeguarding is, in fact the responsibility of all of us. We should all understand the signs of abuse and feel able to report these and any behaviours or interactions we witness that don’t feel or look right. My role with the Parish is to act on these reports to ensure that children and vulnerable adults are safe by forwarding these onto the correct authorities.
What do I do if I see something?
If you see something that does not look right or if you notice any of the signs of abuse, then you should report these. There might not be a real concern but if you are unsure at all, it is best to report it. You can contact me directly or talk to any member of the PCC who will pass your information onto me. I will hang back at the end of the principle weekly service should you wish to talk to me or ask me questions relating to Safeguarding.