Worship and events and News for Sunday and week beginning November 15th
During this second lockdown period our Parish Mass will be “live streamed” every Sunday at 9:30am on our Facebook page.
Our Church is open daily from Tuesday – Friday 9:00am – 10:00am for private reflection and prayer.
Fr Paul is offering the Daily Prayer of the Church at 9:00am and 5:00pm.
This Sunday November 15th the gospel reading from St Matthew 25: 31-46 makes it very clear that as followers of Jesus a lot is expected of us. We are expected to make an active and positive contribution to the work of the Kingdom and to the Christian community as the Body of Christ.
In practice, that might mean taking a more active part in our Church, in our parish, volunteering for social projects like the local Food bank etc. So, it is important for us to spend some time reflecting on what are my unique ‘talents’ or gifts or abilities and then to ask to what end I am using them? The gospel suggests there is an urgency about this – as we do not know when our ‘employer’ is coming back to check his accounts with us. In this time of lockdown, do I have a sense of where I am being drawn to use my talents in the future?
Next Sunday is the Feast of Christ the King. Parish Mass “live streamed” at 9:30am.
Christ the King is a very powerful title of Jesus in Christianity referring to the idea of the Kingdom of God where the Christ is described as seated at the Right Hand of God (as opposed to the secular title of King of the Jews mockingly given at the crucifixion).
The Kingdom Jesus established is a of course a Kingdom of love, not power or domination. It is a Kingdom that is essentially an ‘interior kingdom’ but an interior kingdom that somehow must find expression in reality, as Jesus expressed the Kingdom of God by his own life and love – and death and resurrection.
The Kingdom of Jesus is a kingdom of truth and life, of holiness and grace, of justice, love and peace. As disciples of Jesus, we must live as he did. Simply put, the Kingdom of Jesus requires an ever increasing love from each of its members. Let us love without asking for anything in return, and may our love advance the Kingdom of God.
St Andrew’s Deal. Advent 2020 will see Fr Paul licensed as Priest in Charge of St Andrew’s Church in Deal. This is a temporary measure by the Diocese and will hopefully not affect his ministry here at HTR too much, but one Sunday per month Fr Michael Morris will preside at HTR to allow Fr Paul to preside at Mass in Deal. Other calls on his time will be mainly on weekdays and evenings and hopefully there will be as little disruption as possible to parish life at HTR.
ORGAN NEWS Thanks to your amazing generosity, work will begin on the main organ repairs and maintenance on Monday January 4th 2021. The organ will be silent for two to three weeks, but we very much look forward to having all the work completed before Easter next year.