Feast of the Holy Family and Epiphany

Please note: Mass for the Feast of the Holy Family will be “live streamed” from Holy Trinity in Ramsgate on St Andrew’s Deal Facebook page tomorrow December 27th at 10:00AM. Simply click on St Andrew’s Deal Facebook page for access. It will will be available on Holy Trinity Facebook page from 11:15AM.
Fr Paul will preside and preach.

Sunday January 3rd is being observed as the Feast of the Epiphany.
There will be a Sung Mass with choir at 9:30AM. This Mass will be “live streamed”.
However, if you would like to attend this Mass in person, our Church will be open to the public, and as long as we maintain the 2 metre social distancing rule and refrain from too much close interaction, we can be safe. Face covering are worn, hand santiser is available and our church is sprayed after each liturgy.