Temporary Closure of Holy Trinity Church and suspension of Public worship.
Worship at Holy Trinity in Ramsgate.

The Government has asked us all to stay at home to save lives and protect the NHS, but also to protect human life against the huge threat of this virulent virus. I am very aware that our hospitals and their staff are under intense and unprecedented pressure at the present time. Under the current regulations the Government has permitted public worship to continue, if it is safe to do so.
Following a Zoom meeting today with the Churchwardens and after reviewing our risk assessment here at Holy Trinity, as the leadership team we feel it our priority to encourage people to stay at home and be safe.
To this end as from today – Tuesday January 12th our Sunday worship will be “live streamed” only with a minimum of people necessary to perform the liturgy and provide some permitted music. We have followed the relevant Canon law in pursuing this course of action and notification has been duly sent to the Bishop of Dover, The Archdeacon of Canterbury and our Bishop, Norman Banks, Bishop of Richborough after a PCC vote.
The Government has advised that:
Where singing or chanting is essential to an act of worship, this should be limited to one person wherever possible. Exceptionally, where it is essential to the service, up to three individuals should be permitted to do so. Strict social distancing should be observed and the use of Plexi-glass screens should be considered to protect worshippers, and each other.
Communal (congregational) singing should not take place. This applies even if social distancing is being observed or face coverings are used, indoors and outdoors.
It has been confirmed that this guidance applies both to professional and amateur singers where a congregation is present.
Our Wednesday evening Mass will be suspended until further notice. Any major Feast days that occur during this time will be “live streamed” so that we can still observe our special Red-Letter days.
Fr Paul will continue to be in touch with the most vulnerable by telephone or email and we will continue to keep our social media pages up to date each week.

Please be aware that each week we will continue to “live stream” the Parish Mass on Facebook and this is available later on Sunday morning on You Tube for those who do not have a Facebook account. Simply type into the You Tube search box : Holy Trinity Church, Ramsgate.
We are also initiating a new Zoom Coffee Morning each Sunday at 11:00AM. This will enable all who are on-line to prepare their morning coffee and switch on their lap top or computer or smart phone, and enjoy a time of chat and fellowship with other members of the congregation. The sign in code will be sent out by email to all who wish to participate.

If you do not have Zoom as an app on your phone or computer, simply type in Zoom to Google and follow the sign up details, and it is free to use.
We urge everyone to be exceptionally cautious and, in particular, to do everything possible to prevent mingling outside of households and support bubbles.
As Rector and Churchwardens, we fully acknowledge and share the sadness many are feeling at not being able to meet together for Mass and fellowship as we would usually do at the moment and prayerfully and confidently look forward to better times ahead.
Fr Paul Blanch
Mary Somers-James
Clive Baker