Join us for a Zoom Coffee time after Mass

The people of God at Holy Trinity Church in Ramsgate invite you to join with them on Sunday Morning for Coffee and Fellowship.
Mass at 9:30AM “live streamed” followed at 11:00am by Zoom Coffee.
Join Zoom MeetingJust click on the link below ID: 839 5456 6323
Passcode: 782160
How do I join a Zoom meeting?
There are various ways to join a Zoom meeting:
- With the Zoom app on your desktop
- Through a link via your email invitation
- From the Zoom website
- Note: The host will have to start the meeting first so you can join or the host enables ‘join before host’.
From the Zoom app:
- Open the Zoom app on your desktop, Start button, Zoom folder, start Zoom
- Click on Sign in
- On right side menu Select “Sign In with SSO”
- Enter your USQ username and password if prompted
- Click on Join
- Enter the Meeting ID (this is displayed in the email invitation)
- You can then choose whether to come into the meeting with your audio or video enabled or disabled
Email link:
- You will receive an email invitation from the meeting host
- Click on the link in the email (join via PC, Mac, iOS or Android)
- You will be taken to the meeting