New and events for Week beginning March 7th
We re-open this coming Sunday for our Parish Mass on March 7th.
We will also move to the later time of 10:00AM.

Tuesdays in Lent: Mass at 6:00pm with Homily.
Wednesdays in Lent is our Zoom Lent Course at 7:00pm entitled “By His wounds.”
Fridays in Lent: The Stations of the Cross at 12 Noon

Please note: Face coverings are still required, social distancing in the pews and Track and Trace etc.
On Sunday we hear from the Gospel of St John Chapter 2: 13-22 that well known story of Jesus cleansing the Temple at Jerusalem. Jesus clearly had a zero-tolerance policy toward using the representation of God, the temple, as the means to make money. As people from all over the Middle East poured into Jerusalem for the Passover, savvy marketeers set up their wares. Knowing that not everyone could bring animals for sacrifice, the money-changers were more than ready to take advantage of the situation by providing sheep and cattle at inflated prices. The temple looked more like a marketplace than a worship space, and Jesus would have none of it.

Jesus still has zeal for proper worship. As he did in the temple all those centuries ago, Christ rearranges the furniture of our comfortable lives and upsets how things have become. Like an extreme makeover, the Lord overturns tables designed for selfish gain and re-establishes a connection between us and God. He upholds holiness and righteousness so that you and I will have a clean and clear path of relationship with the sovereign God of the universe. Sacred space is important, both as a physical room or building as well as in our own spiritual hearts.

PALM SUNDAY 28th March The Liturgy of Palms and Parish Mass with the reading of the Passion. 10:00AM
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday of Holy Week Mass at 6:00PM
Stations of the Cross on Wednesday at 5:00PM.
9.00am Morning Prayer
Mass of the Last Supper at 6:00PM followed by the Watch at the Altar of Repose until 9:00PM. The Liturgy of Footwashing is not permitted under Covid-19 rules.
9.00am Morning Prayer
Stations of the Cross for Children and Families at 10:00AM.
The Solemn Liturgy of the Passion 3:00PM.
No Evening Prayer.
9.00am Morning Prayer
The Easter Vigil for both parishes at St Andrew Deal. 8:00PM. Fr Paul and all the clergy will concelebrate and all are invited from our two parishes to share in the First Mass of Easter.

EASTER DAY April 4th
Easter Day Festal Mass with Renewal of Baptismal Vows at 10:00AM.