9.00am Morning Prayer.
Church clean and decorate at 9:30AM.
The Easter Vigil for both parishes at St Andrew Deal. 8:00PM.
We invite as many as can come to be with Fr Paul and all the clergy as we concelebrate this moving and atmospheric liturgy of lighting the New Fire, blessing the Paschal Candle and renewing our Baptismal vows. You all are invited to share in the First Mass of Easter.
EASTER DAY April 4th

Easter Day Festal Mass with Renewal of Baptismal Vows at 10:00AM.
Easter Monday: Mass at 6:00PM
Wednesday in Easter Week Mass at 6:00PM.
Why do we celebrate Easter? Many people celebrate Easter without understanding the reason behind the celebration. For some people it is just a holiday while for others, it is a time to rest from the daily hassles of work, etc.
The real meaning of Easter is Jesus Christ’s victory over death. His resurrection symbolizes the eternal life that is granted to all who believe in Him. The meaning of Easter also symbolizes the complete verification of all that Jesus preached and taught during His three-year ministry. If He had not risen from the dead, if He had merely died and not been resurrected, He would have been considered just another teacher or Rabbi. However, His resurrection changed all that and gave final and irrefutable proof that He was really the Son of God and that He had conquered death once and for all.
The PCC meet via Zoom this week on April 8th for an informal meeting with Deal PCC and then on the April 13th at 6:30PM for a full PCC. This year our APCM due to Covid-19 restrictions will now need take place after 18th May full details, full to be announced later.

Last Easter, some of you gave money for Easter flowers. As we did not decorate the Church last year due to Covid lockdown, the money is being used this year. The Names of the memorials are as follows: James Philip Kelleher. Malcom Armstrong. James Armstrong. Stephanie Armstrong. Tanya Theresa Gilmurray. Liz Somers-James.
Fr Paul extends his thanks to all who have supported us over Holy Week, especially to those who have served at the altar, acted as Readers, also our dedicated Choir and Director of Music who add such a powerful dimension to the liturgy. A big thank you to those who have helped clean the church and polish the brasses, as well as laundering the altar linen, arranging flowers and setting up the Easter Garden and making our church ready for Easter 2021.

Sunday April 18th we welcome the Bishop of Dover, The Right Reverend Rose Hudson-Wilkin as our preacher at the 10:00AM Mass.

Fr Paul will be in hospital for surgery on April 19th. He is advised to shield for a week before his operation and will need to take at least two weeks off duty after surgery. This will mean that from April 21st until May 5th there will be no midweek Mass. Fr Paul is hoping to resume the Wednesday Mass on May 5th.