New and Events for week beginning April 11th
This coming Sunday we extend a warm welcome to you all to our Parish Mass at 10:00AM. Fr Michael is our celebrant and preacher.

Fr Paul is at St Andrew’s in Deal today for their 10:00AM Parish Mass.
On this 2nd Sunday of Easter, we hear again the familiar story of the day when Jesus appears to the disciples, but Thomas is not present and will not believe until he touches the marks that the nails have made in the hands and feet of Jesus.
Poor Thomas! Since this amazing event took place, Thomas has been renamed ‘doubting Thomas!’ And maybe we too quickly dismiss him for this doubting and apparent lack of faith. But on the other hand, he is really a particularly good role model for us in our genuine seeing and believing. Our faith and believing ultimately cannot be based on hearsay, blind acceptance or what others have seen and believed, valid as this may be for them.
Our believing during this Easter season and our whole life must be grounded in a deep and personal encounter with Christ. The life of the risen Jesus is now within us and helps us to put aside our fears and doubts so that we can experience his peace, which is his gift to us and the whole church.
The resurrection not only changed the world, but it also made all the difference in the world!
Fear is overcome by peace; doubt is transformed into a great acclamation of faith and sin is defeated by forgiveness. Today let us like Thomas reach out in faith to the risen Christ and offer our prayer in faith and hope – My Lord and my God.
Sunday April 18th we welcome the Bishop of Dover, The Right Reverend Rose Hudson-Wilkin as our preacher at the 10:00AM Mass.

Fr Paul will be in hospital for surgery on April 19th. He is advised to shield for a week before his operation and will need to take at least two weeks off duty after surgery. This will mean that from April 21st until May 5th there will be no midweek Mass. Fr Paul is hoping to resume the Wednesday Mass on May 5th.

Ascension Day is May 13th. Sung Mass at Holy Trinity 7:00PM. It is hoped that this Mass can be a joint event with our friends from Deal joining us here at Holy Trinity.

The May Devotion – It is hoped that we can have our annual May Devotion to Our Lady on Sunday May 16th with the usual procession. Watch this space for full details.

May 30th is The Feast of the Most Holy Trinity. This is our Patronal Festival. Festival Mass at 10:00AM.