Pentecost Sunday – May 23rd and beyond

We extend a very warm and open welcome to you to join us this coming Sunday for our Parish Mass at 10:00AM. Sunday is the Feast of Pentecost, the birthday of the Christian Church.
Fr Michael Morris will be our celebrant and preacher.

The great poet, Gerard Manley Hopkins said “The world is charged with the grandeur of God”. As we celebrate the Feast of Pentecost, the season of Easter reaches its final climax and Manley Hopkins words seem so appropriate. Today we celebrate and experience the powerful outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the whole church and on all those who call themselves disciples and followers of the risen Lord.
The first followers of Jesus weren’t strong, courageous or even very faithful. They betrayed Jesus. They denied and deserted him when we he needed them the most. After his death they hid themselves away in fear. They had lost all heart and hope. Then the strangest thing happens to them. The house shakes with the sound of a mighty wind and the sight of fire! These frightened and frail men and women are transformed. Through the Holy Spirit, they are given new hope, new heart and new purpose. They leave their hiding place and make their way into the streets and proclaim the good news of the resurrection. They become new people with a new message.
Oscar Romero, the Latin American Bishop who was murdered in 1978 said, ‘The Spirit makes all things new; we are the ones who grow old and want to keep everything to our aged way of doing things… the Spirit is never old, the Spirit is always young.’

COFFEE AFTER MASS Many people are asking about the resumption of our Coffee Hour after Sunday Mass. Having studied the very latest guidelines as of May 17th, it is still difficult for us to serve coffee and keep within the law. Hopefully by June this will change, and normal service will be resumed. Until then, I ask you to be as cautious as you can, and be patient with us as we seek to keep you all as safe as possible when in Church.

PCC meet after Mass today to approve the 2020 accounts.

May 30th is The Feast of the Most Holy Trinity. This is our Patronal Festival. Festival Mass at 10:00AM.

The Annual Parish Meeting will take place in Church on Sunday June 6th. Is God calling you perhaps to stand for election to office by the congregation, to serve and commit to working to make our church a place of deep Christian and Catholic apostolic witness? Official forms for the election of Churchwardens and PCC are now in Church.

The Blessing of the Sea – Bank Holiday Weekend MAY 31st. We have been invited by our neighbours at St Augustine’s and St Ethelbert’s Roman Catholic Church to be part of their celebrations for The Blessing of the Sea at 2:00PM. Watch this space for further information.

CORPUS CHRISTI FESTIVAL 2021 You are all invited to Deal for the annual Corpus Christi Mass and Procession on Thursday June 3rd at 7:00PM. Unfortunately, due to the May 17th Covid restrictions still in place, our choirs will now not be able to combine as the current rule allows only for 6 non professional singers to perform. We had also hoped that we might be able to offer refreshments after this service, but again, the rules make it difficult for us to do this safely. Hopefully by June 21st things may look and feel a little more relaxed.

Until Sunday School begins again later in the year (September), We have now started a very short and child friendly Mass of about thirty five minutes duration on Saturdays at 4:30PM as a Vigil Mass for the Sunday. This will be an age-appropriate Mass, with only one Gospel reading and a special simple Eucharistic prayer for children.

On June 4th our Friday Noon Mass will begin again, but with a difference! This Friday liturgy will be a little more informal by using worship material from the Taize community and the Celtic tradition. In time, when we can all sing again, we shall be exploring new music in the Taize chant tradition to enhance our worship.

Parish Pilgrimage to The Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham. Monday August 16th – 20th. (Monday – Friday). There are places now available, but time is limited for booking. Cost: Full board from Dinner on Monday until after Breakfast on Friday is approximately We now have the actual cost from the Shrine which is £292. Children £170. Travel costs will be extra. Travel details will be arranged when we have firm numbers. Please inform Fr Paul as soon as possible to book. 01843 654102 or [email protected]