News and Events for week beginning July 4th
Welcome this coming Sunday to our Parish Mass at 10:00AM
Fr Michael Morris is our celebrant and preacher.

Today we delve again into the Gospel of Mark, but today we investigate Mark 6: 1-13. It is true to say that many people were amazed at Jesus’s teaching. But not amazed enough to put their trust in Him. Because there in his home-town of Nazareth, those folk thought they knew everything about Jesus. You might think they would have recognized Jesus as the Son of God as he was growing up among them. But no! “Familiarity breeds contempt.” The people of Nazareth were too blind to see. And it can be exactly the same today. Some people know the Bible stories, they may even come to church every week, they may even become professors of theology, and still end up rejecting Jesus. It is possible to know all about Jesus without ever having a relationship with Jesus as Lord, Saviour and Friend. Where do you stand?

Going deeper into your faith! Are you considering Confirmation? Or do you just feel that you need a refresher course in the basics of the faith? Fr Paul is hoping to begin a Confirmation study course very soon, and this course will also be open to anyone who would like to do this as a refresher course. We will be using the book “Faith Confirmed” as the course material plus DVD presentations. Please let Fr Paul know if you are interested and we can then look for suitable dates.

Each Friday at 12 Noon we offer Mass in a more relaxed style with silence, music and reflecting the ancient Celtic tradition.

HOLY TRINITY SCHOOL On Friday June 9th we shall be hosting the Annual School leavers service in Church. It is that special time when we send our leavers on their way to secondary school with God’s blessing.

Holy Baptism at HTR Saturday July 10th at Noon we shall welcome into the family of the Church Mazikeen Nicole McNamara. Please pray for this child and her parents and God-parents.

THE RICHBOROUGH FAMILY DAY AUGUST 7TH Will you join us for a great day out? Names to Fr Paul if you wish to travel with us by coach for the The Richborough Family Mass at St Albans Cathedral at 12noon then to Bishop Norman’s house for a picnic and Evensong at the Abbey. (Bring your own food, but wine and drinks provided) Cost: £30

We offer a very short and child friendly Mass of about thirty to thirty-five minutes duration on Saturdays at 4:30PM as a Vigil Mass for the Sunday. This is an age-appropriate Mass, with only one Gospel reading and a special simple Eucharistic prayer for children.
This will run until Fr Paul has his annual leave – July 10th then during school summer holidays there will be no Saturday Vigil until Sunday School re-opens in September.

The PCC will meet on July 6th in Church at 6:00PM. Agenda items to Colleen Kite please.

WALSINGHAM PILGRIMAGE – If you have signed up to travel with us to Walsingham in August, now is the time you pay the money to Fr Paul. Total cost is £292 less the amount of deposit you paid.

Fr Paul on Annual Leave. Fr Paul will be taking two weeks off duty from July 10th until 25th. Apart from sick leave and surgery this is the first time he has been off duty for over 15 months. Once again, we are indebted to Fr Michael for amazing his ministry to us.

Tea on the Terrace at Holy Trinity!
Will you support our Church by bringing all your friends to our Afternoon Cream Tea On the Terrace Special. This event will take place on Saturday July 24th from 2:00PM – 4:00PM with stalls. If you can offer items for the Bric-a-Brac stall, cakes for the Cake stall, or items for the Raffle, then please speak to Mary or Clive after Mass.