New and events for week beginning July 11th

As we come today to hear Mark 6:14-29 as our Gospel, we encounter a group of people who are fully committed to living for themselves. At the heart of the story is a King who has an affair and who is called to repentance by John the Baptist. In these fifteen verses we get an incredible view of the deceitfulness and destructiveness of sin as well as a stark reminder of the significant opposition we can all face as we stand for the things of God in a world that is in rebellion against Him.
John the Baptist stood for the truth. He followed God faithfully and he died a martyr’s death. But of course, his death was not the end for him or for the mission of God in the world. John paved the way for Jesus and his death foreshadowed the death of Christ. And it is because of the death and resurrection of Jesus that we have the hope of eternal life and a message worth dying for.

Going deeper into your faith! Are you considering Confirmation? Or do you just feel that you need a refresher course in the basics of the faith? Fr Paul is starting the course on Tuesday August 10th at 7:0PM at St Andrew’s Deal, but will offer a lift to anyone wishing to attend. We will be using the book “Faith Confirmed” as the course material plus DVD presentations. Please let Fr Paul know if you are interested.

Each Friday at 12 Noon we offer Mass in a more relaxed style with silence, music and reflecting the ancient Celtic tradition.

THE RICHBOROUGH FAMILY DAY AUGUST 7TH Will you join us for a great day out? Names to Fr Paul if you wish to travel with us by coach for the The Richborough Family Mass at St Albans Cathedral at 12noon then to Bishop Norman’s house for a picnic and Evensong at the Abbey. (Bring your own food, but wine and drinks provided) Cost: £26

During Fr Paul’s holiday there will be Lay -led worship at 6:00PM on Wednesday and Friday at Noon.

There will be no CHILDREN’S VIGIL MASS ON SATURDAYS AT 4:30PM over the School holidays. We are hoping to re-open Sunday School in September.
Fr Paul on Annual Leave. Fr Paul will be taking two weeks off duty from July 11th until 25th. Once again, we are indebted to Fr Michael for amazing his ministry to us and those lay people who are offering worship on Wednesday at 6:00PM and Friday at Noon. Please try and support our Church and its worship.