News and events for the week beginning July 25th
Welcome today to our Parish Mass at 10:00AM Fr Paul is back on duty. However, we thank Fr Michael for once again covering Mass when Fr Paul was on leave.

We can now sing again from today, but even though we can relax many other aspects of our Covid-19 rules, we will still keep to optional masks, social distancing in the pews and Communion in one kind for the present time.

Today in our Gospel and for the next few Sundays we exploring the Bread of Life teaching found in St John’s Gospel. This Gospel reading today is full of bright-and-shiny things that are impressive, and which can command attention. Jesus feeds a lot of people with only a little bit of food. A few morsels of food end up becoming baskets and baskets of leftover pieces. Then, if that were not enough, Jesus walks on water. Cool stuff, right?
However, despite all these things being so cool, we might just be in danger of missing the point, and we might miss the reaction of the crowds, and even the reaction of the disciples: they really have no idea what is going on. The section starts out with mention of a large crowd that kept following Jesus. So far, so good. We like big crowds. Would only our churches today be places where large crowds congregated at regular intervals. (Say every seven days?) But, why are they following him?
Before you leave Church today, think about why you follow Jesus. Why do the people in our church/ community follow Jesus? Why might we compel another person to follow Jesus?

Going deeper into your faith! Are you considering Confirmation? Or do you just feel that you need a refresher course in the basics of the faith? Fr Paul is starting the course on Tuesday August 10th at 7:0PM at St Andrew’s Deal, but will offer a lift to anyone wishing to attend. We will be using the book “Faith Confirmed” as the course material plus DVD presentations. Please let Fr Paul know if you are interested.

Each Friday at 12 Noon we offer Mass in a more relaxed style with silence, music and reflecting the ancient Celtic tradition.

THE RICHBOROUGH FAMILY DAY AUGUST 7TH Will you join us for a great day out? Names to Fr Paul if you wish to travel with us by coach for the The Richborough Family Mass at St Albans Cathedral at 12noon then to Bishop Norman’s house for a picnic and Evensong at the Abbey. (Bring your own food, but wine and drinks provided) Cost: £26