New and events for the week beginning August 1st
Welcome this coming Sunday August 1st to our Parish Mass at 10:00AM. Fr Michael is our Celebrant and preacher today.

We can now sing again from today, but even though we can relax many other aspects of our Covid-19 rules, we will still keep to optional masks, social distancing in the pews and Communion in one kind for the present time.

A very special Thank you to you all who supported our Cream Tea Fundraiser last Saturday, we raised £575 for Church Funds.
Last week we heard the amazing episode of Jesus feeding the 5000; He took the small amount of loaves and fishes and multiplied it into enough to feed all the people on the hillside with food to spare. Jesus suddenly had people wanting to be around him, he had crowds following him and they wanted more. They wanted more food and more miracles and more shows of his authority.

What is meant by the term Bread of Life? It is certainly not medicine or vitamins; it’s not chocolate, cake or steak. Bread is plain, ordinary, everyday. Bread is sustaining and a main part of life; it is a staple of most of the western world; a staple of the middle east in Jesus’ time. Jesus was referring to himself as something needed to stay alive, something essential and for life itself. We know, and they knew, that bread goes stale or grows mould. It does not last forever. Bread is limited in its ability to sustain and in the worst-case scenarios can cause harm. Jesus was referring to himself as the bread that lasts forever, the bread that never harms and always gives life. This is exactly what Jesus meant when he said “I am the bread of life.” Jesus feeds us. He feeds us on the inside with love and hope and grace and forgiveness.
This is the true manna from heaven, this is the food we need to live full lives as we were designed. When we take Communion we share in this bread of life; we share in Jesus and with Jesus and with all Christians across all of time. In this feeding we are commissioned to share the bread of life.
We are told to “work for food which endures” and the word work is there for a reason. We are called by God to work for Him, to share His love and the good news of Jesus.

August 6th is the Feast of The Transfiguration and we have Mass at Noon.

As from August 6th we shall also be restarting our Friday morning Coffee and Chat in the Hall from 10:30AM – 11:30AM. Will you come and support us?

?????Are you considering Confirmation? Or do you just feel that you need a refresher course in the basics of the faith? Fr Paul is starting the course on Tuesday August 10th at 7:00PM at St Andrew’s Deal, but will offer a lift to anyone wishing to attend.

Our next Fundraiser will be on October 2nd and it will be a Harvest Fair with Soup & Roll, Ploughman’s Lunches and stalls and a Bottle Stall and a Grand Wine Hamper Raffle.