News and Events for Week beginning August 29th 2021

We extend a very warm welcome this coming Sunday to our Parish Mass at 10:00AM Fr Paul is our celebrant and preacher.

A Reflection on the Gospel for today: Very often we live by tradition, which provides continuity with the past and creates a sense of community. Yet sometimes the living tradition can be replaced by fossilised traditions which end up distracting us from what is essential in our beliefs. This is what Jesus criticised in his fellow Jews: you think you are good people by observing all the traditions about external things without caring about their spirit. This deserves the harsh judgement of Isaiah, “This people honours me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching human precepts as doctrines.”
I ask Jesus to shine his light on my heart to that I can see the quality of my worship.
Jesus proclaims a religion that is a religion of the heart. He is not interested in external things, for these cannot defile a person, but what lies in our hearts is the source of our actions. I pray for a transparent and trusting heart.

Volunteers are needed please for the “Ride and Stride”on Saturday 11th September. It last from 10:00AM until 6:00PM.Half the money we raise comes back to our Church. Sponsor forms available in Church.

As from next Sunday September 5th our Mass time will change.
The Parish Mass at Holy Trinity will be at 9:00AM followed by Coffee.
We will keep the Mass strictly to one hour which will enable me to spend some quality time with the congregation over Coffee before setting off for St Andrew’s in Deal. St Andrew’s Deal will have their Mass move to 11:00AM.

Our next Fundraiser will be on October 2nd and it will be a Harvest Fair with Soup & Roll, Ploughman’s Lunches and stalls and a Bottle Stall and a Grand Wine Hamper Raffle.

PCC meet 8th September in Church at 6:30PM. Agenda items to Colleen or Mary please.

Sunday October 10th St Francis Pet Blessing Service. If you have a pet, a beloved animal friend, please come to our special Pet Blessing Service on October 10th at 3:00PM

Bookings are now being taken for next year’s Parish Pilgrimage to Walsingham – May 16th for three nights full board. Cost will be around £250. Please see forms in Church vestibule. £10 deposit is required to secure a place.

HARVEST FESTIVAL – October 3rd at the 9:00AM Parish Mass. This year our charity will be the Thanet Food bank. Food is urgently needed.
Our local Food bank urgently needs: tinned / Jar Food, Baked Beans, Custard, Fish, Fruit, Rice Pudding. Meals: Chicken Curry, Chilli Con Carne, Irish Stew etc. Meat e.g., Corned Beef, Hot-Dogs etc. Soup Spaghetti Pasta sauce Tomatoes Vegetables e.g., Carrots, Peas; Sweetcorn etc. Potatoes. Meat/Fish Paste Dried Food like Packet mash potato Cup-a-Soups Dried Pasta (500g) Dried Rice (500g) Noodles Packet Cous-Cous Meals Packet Pasta Meals. Other Food: Biscuits Breakfast Cereals (small boxes) Cereal Bars Jam Cream Crackers. Beverages: Coffee (100g) Dilute squash (1 litre) Fruit Juice (long life) Milk (long life) Tea Bags (40/80)
If you can donate any of these items, please bring them to Church with you and we will deliver them to the Food bank at The Salvation Army. For any further information, please telephone 01843 447187 Thank you for your support.
THE DEANERY SYNOD will meet at St Luke’s Church on Monday September 6th at 7:00PM.

On the evening of September 7th your Churchwardens will be installed by the Bishop of Dover in a special ceremony in our Cathedral Church. Sadly due to numbers, this is a restricted ticket event. Please pray for Mary and Clive and the work they do on your behalf as Churchwardens in our parish.