News and Events for the week beginning September 19th

This coming Sunday we extend a warm welcome for you to join us for our Parish Mass at 9:00AM Fr Paul is our celebrant and preacher. Sunday School will operate in the Hall. Please join us for Coffee after Mass in the Hall.

In telling the disciples about his forthcoming death and Resurrection, Jesus wants to show them what it really means to serve. Our Gospel reading set for today Mark 9: 30-37 opens up for us a situation that I feel we can identify with all too easily. At the same time, the disciples just don’t get it, they shy away from the difficult question, and can only argue among themselves about who is the greatest! Sound familiar? What really motivates you in life? Is it honour and prestige among your friends and Church family? Do you seek honour and glory for yourself, or do you seek to serve? What can you do this week to serve others?
“The Church is not a gallery for the exhibition of eminent Christians, but a school for the education of imperfect ones”. – Henry Ward Beecher

Our next Fundraiser draws ever closer on October 2nd and it will be a Harvest Fair with Soup & Roll, Ploughman’s Lunches and stalls and a Bottle Stall and a Grand Wine Hamper Raffle.
PATRONAL FESTIVAL AT ST MICHAEL AND ALL ANGELS. You are invited to join the people of Harbledown for their patronal festival Mass on September 29th at 7:00pm followed by a buffet supper.

Sunday October 10th St Francis Pet Blessing Service. If you have a pet, a beloved animal friend, please come to our special Pet Blessing Service on October 10th at 3:00PM.
October 7th we host the Thanet Clergy Chapter at Holy Trinity at 9:30am. Can you volunteer to provide tea and coffee for the clergy on that day.

HARVEST FESTIVAL – October 3rd at the 9:00AM Parish Mass. This year our charity will be the Thanet Food bank. Food is urgently needed.
If you can donate any items of tined or packet foods, please bring them to Church with you and we will deliver them to the Food bank at The Salvation Army. For any further information, please telephone 01843 447187 Thank you for your support.
Please pray for Olivia Fay Rosevear who is to be baptised and welcomed into the family of the Church on September 25th at Noon.

Also please pray for Sidney Robson to be baptised on Sunday October 17th at 3:00PM.

The Church of England has recently published a landmark set of resources to aid discernment and decision-making on questions of identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage. Living in Love and Faith is the most extensive research into this area by any church, and it’s designed to enable a period of church-wide learning and engagement to take place during 2021, after which there will be recommendations made for the future life and mission of the Church. To assist us all at Holy Trinity, Fr Paul will showing a film on Wednesday September 22nd after Mass at 6:30PM entitled “For the Bible tells me so.” This film documentary powerfully explores the vexed question of homosexual relationships and what the Bible really says about this emotive subject for many Christians.
All PCC members are particularly encouraged to attend as we are asked to discuss this for feed back to the Deanery Synod. The film draws together the bible, theology, science and history with powerful real-life stories designed to help every Christian explore questions of identity, sexuality, relationships and marriage.

Holy Trinity School will in Church for their Harvest Festival Service on Thursday September 30th at 1:30PM.

Every Friday morning in Church from 10:30AM we serve free Coffee and Tea. Just pop in for a chat or company. Everyone is very welcome. You are also invited to join us for the Celtic Mass at 12 Noon with music.

THE HYGIENE BANK – will you help us support this worthwhile cause. We ask you to donate toiletries or feminine hygiene products. There is a large container in the hall for your donations.
Also, we need any kind of bottles for our Bottle Stall at the Harvest Fair. Bottles might be Shampoo, soft drinks, sauce, anything in a bottle! See Maggie for details.