News and Events for the week beginning October 3rd
We extend a warm welcome this coming Sunday October 3rd for you to join us for Harvest Thanksgiving at our Parish Mass at 9:00AM

Fr Paul is our celebrant and preacher. Sunday School will operate in the Hall. Please join us for Coffee after Mass in the Hall.
Today we celebrate our HARVEST FESTIVAL.
This year our charity will be the Ramsgate Food bank.
‘Today is our Harvest Festival Sunday. This is the season when we celebrate the gathering in of the produce which we rely on for our sustenance. We thank God that this blessing continues year by year.
Just because our food is in the Supermarket when we go to buy it, does not mean that we should take it for granted. Others are less fortunate, as we are right to remind each other today. In our own society, there are too many people who are now forced to rely on food banks. In other countries, where economies are too weak to support a continuing surplus over and above what has to be sold as a cash crop; or where climate change is making farming communities vulnerable to sudden shifts in the patterns of rainfall and sunshine, the harvest is much less abundant!
So, at Harvest we are not only asked to be thankful, but we are asked to practice empathy, compassion, self-giving. We are to love each other as God in Christ first loved us. There is no comfortable panacea. We may all have to endure very hard times. Let us do so together, hand in hand. We may have to give so others can survive. Let us do so without stint.

Sunday October 10th St Francis Pet Blessing Service. If you have a pet, a beloved animal friend, please come to our special Pet Blessing Service on October 10th at 3:00PM.

Every Friday morning in Church from 10:30AM we serve free Coffee and Tea. Just pop in for a chat or company. Everyone is very welcome. You are also invited to join us for the Celtic Mass at 12 Noon with music.
THE HYGIENE BANK – will you help us support this worthwhile cause. We ask you to donate toiletries or feminine hygiene products. There is a large container in the hall for your donations.
For those who missed last week’s showing of the powerful documentary “For the Bible tells me so” a second showing will take place on big screen at St Andrew’s Church Hall in West St, Deal on October 7th at 7pm.

October 31st will be observed as All Saints Sunday with Parish Mass at 11:00AM.

All Souls Day Sung Requiem Mass at 7:00PM. There will be sign-up sheets available in Church for you to include any names of the departed you would like read aloud at the Mass.
Please Note: Fr Paul will be off duty from Monday October 18th until 26th.

Attention all Children and Parents! There will be a Light Party at Church on October 31st at 4pm.
An increasing number of Churches are staging “light parties” at which games, fancy dress and party food are used to deliver an upbeat alternative to Halloween’s horror-soaked narrative, and a reminder of the fundamental Christian message that there is always light to be found in the darkness. Will you join us?