News and Events for the week beginning October 31st
We welcome you this coming Sunday to join us for our Parish Mass at 9:00AM
Fr Paul is our celebrant and preacher. Sunday School will begin again next Sunday. Please join us for Coffee after Mass in the Hall.

This Sunday we observe the Feast of All SAINTS.
I love saints. They are the spiritual superheroes of our church. The glorious communion of saints provides us with access to a massive list of prayer partners who pray with us and pray for us. The list includes the official “greats” of our church history. It also includes family and friends whose holiness and love directly touched and enriched our lives. We all have our favorite saints we relate to and who inspire us.
I need these heavenly models of holiness. I also need earthly models of holiness. Saints are all around us, women and men whose generous spirit reflects the Gospel call to love and serve God and others. Some do it by making the ordinary holy through a spirit of simplicity and humility. Some do it by showing extraordinary courage in sickness and adversity. Some do it by railing against injustice and working to bring equality and dignity to all.
God calls us to be saints, too. Every single person in this Church! God has already called us his children! We are God’s children now. Isn’t that a reason to make the most of our lives? Let’s all try to be the best that we can be, to use our talents to make the world a better place. To be forgiving. To be peacemakers. To be righteous. To be saints!
CHURCH HEATING Our Church heating is still out of action until we can rectify the problems on the chimney flue. Scaffolding is in place and we are on the case. So, please wear warm clothing for Mass!

REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY – November 14th Requiem Mass for the War Dead with the reading of the names of the Fallen at 9:00AM.

Confirmation Mass November 23rd at 7:00PM. Bishop Norman will be administering the Sacrament of Confirmation at St Andrew’s in Deal for the two parishes. All are welcome. Please pray for Ron and Harry to be Confirmed.

Every Friday morning in Church from 10:30AM we serve free Coffee and Tea. Just pop in for a chat or company. Everyone is very welcome. You are also invited to join us for the Celtic Mass at 12 Noon with music.

THE HYGIENE BANK – will you help us support this worthwhile cause. We ask you to donate toiletries or feminine hygiene products. There is a large container in the hall for your donations.
The Food Bank – following on from our very generous Harvest response, we are now having a regular container in Church every week for you to make Food Bank donations which will go direct to our local Food Bank in Ramsgate.

All Souls Day November 2nd Sung Requiem Mass at 7:00PM. There are sign-up sheets available in Church for you to include any names of the departed you would like read aloud at the Mass. This is a very special time for us to remember all our departed loved ones. The liturgy encourages us to light a candle as we hear the name of our loved ones read aloud.

Attention all Children and Parents! There will be a Light Party at Church today October 31st at 4pm.
An increasing number of Churches are staging “light parties” at which games, fancy dress and party food are used to deliver an upbeat alternative to Halloween’s horror-soaked narrative, and a reminder of the fundamental Christian message that there is always light to be found in the darkness. Will you join us?

Holy Trinity Christmas Fayre – Saturday December 4th 2pm – 4pm. Stalls, Food, Raffle, and plenty pf Christmas Cheer!

Christmas Brass at Holy Trinity. Please join us for a fun filled evening of music for the Christmas season with a brass ensemble and light refreshments. In Church on Friday 10th December at 7pm. Tickets at £7 each on the door.

We still have places for our Parish Pilgrimage to Walsingham in May 2022. May 16th – 19th full board. Will you join us. The experience will change you in a deeply spiritual way. We share fun, worship, devotion, and fellowship in equal measure. Cost is approximately £250.