The Week ahead – beginning November 14th Remembrance Sunday

We invite you to join with us this Remembrance Sunday for our Parish Requeim Mass at 9:00AM for all who have died in War.
Fr Paul is our celebrant and preacher. Sunday School takes place in the Hall. Please join us for Coffee after Mass in the Hall.
On 14th November 1940, the city of Coventry was devastated by German bombs falling on the city. Over two-thirds of the city was damaged or destroyed by fire, including most of the historic medieval buildings and the cathedral. There are still people today who lived through that terrible night as children and remember the aftermath.
The following day, a stone-mason, Jock Forbes climbed the spiral staircase of the cathedral tower that was remarkably still standing to survey the damage. As he looked down on the total ruins of the Cathedral he saw that two of the enormous medieval roof timbers that had burned and fallen to the ground had fallen in the shape of a cross. He came back down the steps and with wire and nails fixed the two beams in the position they had fallen and set them up in the ruins, a cross of charred wood. It was an act of remarkable significance.
The cross has always been a reminder to us that God in Christ uniquely understands and identifies with us in our suffering. That whether it is the trauma of war, the sadness of bereavement, the pain of poor health, the despair of loneliness and depression, the hurt of being disliked or bullied, Jesus knows what it is like, he can identify with us, because he himself has suffered. The cross speaks to us not of a God who is distant and removed, but of a God who comes alongside us and understands our pain. On this day, it is good to remember and pray for all those who suffer, that they may know God is with them.

CHURCH HEATING Our Church heating problem is being fixed by the installation of a new much more efficient gas heating boiler and we are renewing the radiators for maximum heat output, but will save on gas due to the 50% improvement in efficiency. We did investigate an electric boiler for environmental reasons, but this would have required a very expensive installation of a new electrical supply to the Church which made it prohibitive. Work should begin this week! The bad news is that it will cost between £13,000 – £14,000!!
The PCC meet in the Church Hall after Mass on Wednesday November 17th.

Due to the increase of cases of Corona Virus within our congregation, we are gently encouraging the use a face covering if possible.

THE HYGIENE BANK – will you help us support this worthwhile cause. We ask you to donate toiletries or feminine hygiene products. There is a large container in the hall for your donations.
The Food Bank – following on from our very generous Harvest response, we are now having a regular container in Church every week for you to make Food Bank donations which will go direct to our local Food Bank in Ramsgate.

The people of St Andrew’s in Deal invite you to join them for their Patronal Festival on Tuesday November 30th at 7:00PM for a special Mass with guest preacher Bishop Richard LLewellin. Refreshments will be served after Mass.

Holy Trinity Christmas Fayre – Saturday December 4th 2pm – 4pm. Stalls, Food, Raffle, and plenty of Christmas Cheer!

Christmas Brass at Holy Trinity. Please join us for a fun filled evening of music for the Christmas season with a brass ensemble and light refreshments. In Church on Friday 10th December at 7pm. Tickets on the door at £7. Bring all your friends.

Christmas Services 2021
December 12th Christingle Service preceded by Workshop to make the Christingles at 3:00PM and Service at 3:45PM. At this service Fr Paul will tell the Christmas story with Chocolate!
Sunday, December 19th. Festival of Lessons and Carols 3:00PM.
Christmas Eve

The First Mass of Christmas at 9:00pm followed by Mulled Wine and Mince Pies.
Christmas Day. Sung Mass of Christmas Day with Carols at 10:00am.
We invite you to join us every Friday morning from 10:30AM we serve free Coffee and Tea. Everyone is very welcome. You are also invited to join us for the Mass at 12 Noon with music.