News and Events at HTR week beginning November 21st The Feast of Christ the King
We invite you to join us this Sunday November 21st for our Parish Mass at 9:00AM.
Fr Michael is our celebrant and Fr Paul is our preacher.
Sunday School takes place in the Hall. Please join us for Coffee after Mass in the Hall.
Today we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King!

The Feast of Christ the King is one that should give us plenty to ponder. Jesus taught often of the Kingdom of God and its unique values. While I can’t speak for you, I personally have always found stories about kings, even the bad ones, to be fascinating. The Old Testament has numerous accounts of those kings who were always good and fair, just, and clearly dedicated to God and what was best for their people. There are also many stories about kings who became caught up in power, self-serving, and disregarded what was for the benefit of those whom they ruled.
The effects of each of these styles are quite revealing. The king who served his people and built a kingdom where subjects were recognized for their dignity and goodness flourished, even in hard times. The self-serving kings who created conflict, negativity, and discord often end up living with distrust, poverty, and despair.
The Kingdom of God is a Kingdom of Love because God is love. It is ours to live now, by seeking to know and understand the reality of that love. We read that God’s Kingdom is here and now. So how do we discover it for ourselves? Our Lord modelled the values of the Kingdom, we too are called to be servants for each other. Thus, we too can come to know the goodness that every person has, as we see the face of Jesus in each one.

Someday, we will all share in this reality of the kingdom of infinite love. Don’t pass up the opportunity to enter the service of all your brothers and sisters who can lead you to our good King, Jesus the Christ.

CHURCH HEATING Our Church heating problem is now resolved, thanks to Chris and Darius of DRS. We now have a new and more efficient gas heating boiler with new radiators for maximum heat output, all this will save on gas due to the 50% improvement in efficiency. The bad news is that it will cost £14,000!!

Due to the increase of cases of Corona Virus within our congregation, we are gently encouraging the use a face covering if possible.

THE HYGIENE BANK – will you continue to help us support this worthwhile cause. We are asking for toiletries or feminine hygiene products. There is a large container in the hall for your donations.
Also there is now a regular container in Church every week for you to make Food Bank donations which will go direct to our local Food Bank in Ramsgate.

The people of St Andrew’s in Deal invite you to join them for their Patronal Festival on Tuesday November 30th at 7:00PM for a special Mass with guest preacher Bishop Richard LLewellin. Refreshments will be served after Mass.

Holy Trinity Christmas Fayre – Saturday December 4th 2pm – 4pm. Stalls, Food, Raffle, and plenty of Christmas Cheer! We urgently need Cakes, Jams, Cookies and Children’s toys and good quality Bric- a -Brac. Can you offer help to staff a stall ?

A Christmas Brass Concert at Holy Trinity. Join us for a fun filled evening of music for the Christmas season with a brass ensemble and light refreshments. In Church on Friday 10th December at 7pm. Tickets on the door at £7. Bring all your friends.

Christmas Services 2021
December 12th Christingle Service preceded by Workshop to make the Christingles at 3:00PM and Service at 3:45PM. At this service Fr Paul will tell the Christmas story with Chocolate!
Sunday, December 19th. Festival of Lessons and Carols 3:00PM followed by Mulled Wine and Mince Pies.
Christmas Eve
The First Mass of Christmas at 9:00pm. (There is a Midnight Mass at St Andrew’s in Deal for those who want the later Mass).
Christmas Day. Sung Mass of Christmas Day with Carols at 10:00am.

We invite you to join us every Friday morning from 10:30AM we serve free Coffee and Tea. Everyone is very welcome. You are also invited to join us for the Mass at 12 Noon with music.