New and Events for week beginning December 5th

We extend a very special and warm welcome to all to come and join us this coming Sunday for our Parish Mass at 9:00AM December 5th.
Fr Michael is our celebrant and Fr Paul our preacher. Sunday School takes place in the Hall.

Please join us for Coffee after Mass in the Hall after Mass.

This is the Second Sunday of Advent.
There are many strange names in today’s Gospel. They are the names of people and places most of us have never heard of. Luke mentions these people and places because he is simply following the custom of his day both for Jewish and Greek writing. But, more importantly, he is saying that the story of John the Baptist and of Jesus is really historical. This story really happened in this world at a particular time and a particular place. It is not a mere myth in the sense of a story which has meaning but no basis in fact. Luke is preparing us for the announcement of God coming among us as a human being. He is preparing the stage for this great drama.
The story about Jesus Christ which is about to unfold (and also the accompanying story of John the Baptist) is not just a tale like the many fables about the gods of Greece and Rome and Babylon. This reminds us that Jesus was a real person. Jesus lived in a particular place and at a particular moment in history.
So, what is all this saying to us? There can be two responses on our part.
Firstly, each year as the Advent season comes round and we prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus, we need once more to hear the challenging call of John the Baptist to baptism, metanoia, which means changing direction, and forgiveness.
Our second response is a realization that our own role is not unlike that of John the Baptist. Like him, each one of us has a mission to communicate the Spirit of Christ and his message of hope, love, freedom and peace to others.

Due to the increase of cases of Corona Virus within our congregation, we are gently encouraging the use a face covering if possible.
Fr Paul and the Churchwardens are deeply concerned about the rise in Covid cases with the new variant. Despite the UK’s amazing vaccination programme, there is still concern among scientists about the challenge of a new, potentially more transmissible variant just a month before Christmas. We are still awaiting advice from the Church of England as to how best we proceed, but we urge the immediate use of face coverings in Church, and we may have to resort to some form of social distancing within the pews again. We are also aware that with the potential for larger than normal numbers at special Christmas services, a decision will need to be taken following official advice as to how we proceed safely. Your safety and health and wellbeing are paramount to us as Rector and Churchwardens.
Can you help us support two very worthwhile charity initiatives?

We are asking for toiletries or feminine hygiene products. There is a large container in the hall for your donations. Also, there is now a regular container in Church every week for you to make Food Bank donations which will go direct to our local Food Bank in Ramsgate.

A Christmas Brass Concert at Holy Trinity. Join us for a fun filled evening of music for the Christmas season with a brass ensemble and light refreshments. In Church on Friday 10th December at 7pm. Tickets on the door at £7. Bring all your friends.

Christmas Services 2021
December 12th Christingle Service preceded by Workshop to make the Christingles at 3:00PM and Service at 3:45PM. At this service Fr Paul will tell the Christmas story with Chocolate!
Sunday, December 19th. Festival of Lessons and Carols 3:00PM followed by Mulled Wine and Mince Pies.
Christmas Eve: The First Mass of Christmas at 9:00pm. (There is a Midnight Mass at St Andrew’s in Deal for those who want the later Mass).
Christmas Day. Sung Mass of Christmas Day with Carols at 10:00am.