News and Events for the week beginning January 2nd 2022
We invite you to join us this coming Sunday – January 2nd for our Parish Mass at 9:00AM.

Fr Paul is our celebrant and preacher.
No Sunday School until next week.

Please join us for Coffee after Mass in the Hall.

The celebration of the Epiphany and this weekend’s readings remind us to seek the light, especially during times of darkness. This past year has brought much darkness to the lives of many, and we are not out of the pandemic yet. However, the readings and the Feast of the Epiphany remind us that even during these times of darkness our faith in Jesus is there to bring us light.
The Prophet Isaiah provides words of encouragement to the people of Israel who had endured the pain and suffering of the Babylon exile and in the Gospel, the Magi are guided by the light of the Star of Bethlehem. This light guides them from the darkness of Herod and his castle. The Magi continue to follow the light until they encounter the new-born king they are seeking.
The Epiphany and the powerful readings remind us that the light of Christ is always with us,even during times that seem dark. By virtue of our faith in Jesus we are people of light, and not people of darkness. Therefore, let us remember this weekend and this new year to always walk in faith, not in fear. Christ is our light and our salvation that provides our path out of darkness and into the light. Further, we are called to share this light with those who dwell in darkness. Let us strive to always bring light into the lives of those with whom we interact in this new year.

Thank you! Fr Paul extends his sincere thanks to all who helped to prepare the Church for our Christmas worship. The people who cleaned, polished and decorated the church, not to mention those who made and served mulled wine and mince pies! The Choir who kept going despite Covid and illness, the servers and greeters, readers and Organist!
Fr Paul is off duty from tomorrow until Tuesday 11th January. Fr Michael will preside and preach next Sunday. The Feast of the Baptism of Jesus. Mass at 9:00AM and weekday
worship will continue as a Service of the Word with Holy Communion.

As a new year begins, we ask your help and generosity to assist us support two very worthwhile charity initiatives? We are still asking for toiletries or feminine hygiene products. There is a large container in the hall for your donations. Also, there is a regular container in Church every week for you to make Food Bank donations which will go direct to our local Food Bank in Ramsgate.

From the Feast of the Epiphany and continuing for days to come, more and more Anglicans are joining other Christians around the world in writing this ancient yet ever-changing formula on their doors: 20+C+M+B+22. The numbers, letters and symbols have been called “holy graffiti,” and some people suggest the combination looks like the start of an algebraic equation.
The letters C, M, B come from the traditional names for the wise men: Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar, whose arrival at Mary and Joseph’s home is celebrated on the Epiphany. Their names appear in a Greek manuscript from 500 AD translated into Latin, which many biblical scholars consider the source of the names.) The letters are also an abbreviation for “Christus Mansionem Benedicat,” which means “May Christ bless this dwelling.” The first and last numbers refer to the current year, and the plus signs in between represent the cross. “Chalking the door,” as it is known, is seen as invoking Christ’s blessing not only on the physical house but on the people who live there and those who visit.
Fr Paul will bless chalk at Mass on January 2nd for you to take home and bless your home as your chalk the words on or near your front door 20+C+M+B+22.
Use this prayer: Bless, + O Lord God almighty, this home, that in it there may be health, purity, the strength of victory, humility, goodness and mercy, the fulfillment of Thy law, and true thanksgiving to God the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. And may this blessing remain upon this home and upon all who dwell herein. Through Christ our Lord.