The New and Events for Week beginning Januatry 16th
We extend a very warm welcome to you to join us this coming Sunday – January 16th for our Parish Mass at 9:00AM. Fr Paul is our celebrant and preacher.

Sunday School begins today. Please join us for Coffee after Mass in the Hall.
This Sunday’s gospel from St John Chapter 2, is the well-known story of the changing of the water into wine. The story shows our reluctance to leave the Christmas season behind. It tells of the third of the ‘manifestations or “epiphanies” of Jesus associated with the Christmas season, the others being the Epiphany itself and the Baptism of the Lord which we observed last Sunday. The key to understanding the place of today’s gospel in our liturgy is the statement that ‘He let his glory be seen’. The Gospel of John contains seven major signs by which the true identity of Jesus is made known.

The transformation of the water into wine tells us that Jesus brings a new time, a time of richness and fulfilment, a time of deep change and transformation. Although to be honest, I am not sure how many of us are really convinced of this power to change in our own lives. We always seem to fear the future, we worry so much about the unknown, and we live as is if faith were a religious luxury, given to some but not to all, and this so easily affects our daily living as Christians as well as our Church life and the hope for a future under God.
Are we willing to be transformed? Re- Filled with the New Wine of the Kingdom?

The PCC will meet on Wednesday January 26th after Mass. Agenda items to Colleen Kite please as soon as possible.

An Invitation to the Congregation. Fr Paul and Maggie invite you to join with them on the occasion of their 25th Wedding Anniversary for a Special Mass and Renewal of Vows at here at Holy Trinity on Saturday March 5th at 11:00AM followed by Drinks. The celebrant and preacher will be Canon Paul Seaman, Rector of Pulbrough, West Sussex.

As a new year gets underway, we continue to appeal for your help and generosity to assist us support two very worthwhile charity initiatives? We need toiletries or feminine hygiene products. There is a large container in the hall for your donations. Also, there is a regular container in Church every week for you to make Food Bank donations which will go direct to our local Food Bank in Ramsgate.
On Sunday January 30th we shall observe the Feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Candlemass) There will be the usual Sung Parish Mass at 9:00AM and you are invited to join with the people of St Andrew’s in Deal for Solemn Evensong and Benediction at 6:00PM.

Lent begins on March 2nd Ash Wednesday. There will be a Sung Mass at St Andrew’s at 9:30am with Imposition of Ashes and a joint Sung Mass here at Holy Trinity in Ramsgate at 7:00pm with Imposition of Ashes and the joint choirs of Holy Trinity and St Andrew’s will sing the Mass along with the famous Allegri “Miserere”. Confessions can be heard at any time by appointment before Ash Wednesday or at any time during Lent.

This year we will offer one joint Lent course for both parishes which will take place at St Andrew’s using the hall on Thursday evenings at 6:30PM beginning on March 10th. This year our course is entitled “Finding God at the Movies” and will see the screening of some very powerful films that have a deep theological message. We will watch the film on the big screen with full stereo sound, then discuss the themes and issues raised over tea and coffee or popcorn. No course book required. The films we will be watching and discussing are all very different in style and genre, but each raises serious and challenging questions as where God is at work in the world. Week One: The Way. Week Two: The End of the Affair. Week Three: Shadowlands. Week four: Winter Light. Week Five: Chocolat.
The reason why we are using the Church Hall in Deal is that we can watch the films on the big screen with full stereo sound, then discuss the themes and issues raised over tea and coffee. No course book required. If you require a lift to Deal, then please just ask Fr Paul.