The week ahead at Holy Trinity – January 23rd
We extend a warm welcome to you this coming Sunday to join us for our Parish Mass at 9:00AM. Fr Paul is our celebrant and preacher.

Please note: No Sunday School until Feb 27th due to Covid infection levels in our lcal schools.
Please join us for Coffee in the Hall.

Today in the Gospel from St Luke Chapter 4 we see Jesus very much on a mission, but the people of his hometown are also expecting something. But who knows what they were expecting? His ministry was just beginning, and you might say that he hadn’t done a whole lot yet—we’re still only in the fourth chapter of Luke. He’s been baptized, he’s gone into the wilderness, and he’s just begun his ministry. We’re told in the paragraph just prior to this story that “report about him spread through all the surrounding country,” but we aren’t told what that report consisted of. My guess is that the people were expecting something, but they had no idea what that something was. In this sense, we might ask is the congregation in Nazareth all that different from our own congregation. Don’t we all come to church week by week expecting something? But do any of us really take the time to articulate what that something is?
Some, I suppose, expect to hear a good sermon. Not too long, not too short. Some expect to sing a nice familiar) hymn. Some expect to be welcomed, and to see people we know. We expect when it’s all over that we’ll have a cup of coffee or even a glass of wine. But in truth, how many of us come to church really expecting the Spirit of God to actually show up and make a difference? Do we expect news so good that it might shatter the despair of the poor? Do we expect release, recovery, and the ending of oppression? And do we really want all of that in reality—and would we not rather just receive a little comfort, a little encouragement, and nothing that will rock the boat?

The PCC will meet on Wednesday January 26th after Mass. Agenda items to Colleen Kite please as soon as possible.

An Invitation to the Congregation. Fr Paul and Maggie invite you to join with them on the occasion of their 25th Wedding Anniversary for a Special Mass and Renewal of Vows at here at Holy Trinity on Saturday March 5th at 11:00AM followed by Drinks. The celebrant and preacher will be Canon Paul Seaman, Rector of Pulbrough, West Sussex.

On Sunday January 30th we shall observe the Feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Candlemass) There will be the usual Sung Parish Mass at 9:00AM and you are invited to join with the people of St Andrew’s in Deal for Solemn Evensong and Benediction at 6:00PM.

Lent begins on March 2nd Ash Wednesday. There will be a Sung Mass at St Andrew’s at 9:30am with Imposition of Ashes and a joint Sung Mass here at Holy Trinity in Ramsgate at 7:00pm with Imposition of Ashes and the joint choirs of Holy Trinity and St Andrew’s will sing the Mass along with the famous Allegri “Miserere”. Confessions can be heard at any time by appointment before Ash Wednesday or at any time during Lent.

This year we will offer one joint Lent course for both parishes which will take place at St Andrew’s using the hall on Thursday evenings at 6:30PM beginning on March 10th. This year our course is entitled “Finding God at the Movies” and will see the screening of some very powerful films that have a deep theological message. We will watch the film on the big screen with full stereo sound, then discuss the themes and issues raised over tea and coffee or popcorn. No course book required. The films we will be watching and discussing are all very different in style and genre, but each raises serious and challenging questions as to where God is at work in the world.
Week One: The Way. Week Two: The End of the Affair. Week Three: Shadowlands. Week four: Winter Light. Week Five: Chocolat. The reason why we are using the Church Hall in Deal is that we can watch the films on the big screen with full stereo sound, then discuss the themes and issues raised over tea and coffee. No course book required. If you require a lift to Deal, then please just ask Fr Paul.

Bishop Norman and all the priests of the Society of St Wilfrid and St Hilda invite you to join us in Canterbury Cathedral on Tuesday April 12th for the Chrism Mass. At Noon. The Chrism Mass is celebrated by the Bishop and concelebrated with all his priests. It is the Mass when the bishop consecrates the holy chrism and blesses the oil of catechumens and the oil of the sick. Priests are brought together and concelebrate this Mass as witnesses and sharers with their bishop in the consecration of the chrism because they share in the sacred office of the bishop in building up, sanctifying, and ruling the people of God. This Mass is therefore a clear expression of the unity of the priesthood and the sacrifice of Christ, which continue to be present in the Church. The Mass takes its name from the most eminent of the three holy oils which the bishop commissions for his local church’s use over the following year.