News and Events at Holy Trinity week beginning February 20th

We extend a sincere welcome to you to join us for The Parish Mass every Sunday at 9:00AM followed by Coffee in the Hall.

Sunday School begins on February 27th.

Mass on Wednesday at 6:00PM and Friday at Noon.

Hymns for today’s Mass: 378, 370, 375, 434.
Readings at Mass today: 1st Reading: Gen 2: 4-9, 15-25. Psalm: Ps 65. 2nd Reading: Rev 4. Gospel: St Luke 8: 22-25
Aware of the implications of the Gospel reading today from St Luke Chapter 8, I would have to say that most of us have never been caught in a storm that really threatened our lives, but we are familiar with feelings of desperation, especially in the midst of circumstances that we cannot control. Like the disciples, sometimes we feel like God is not aware of what is going on in our lives—that he is asleep at the wheel and or has forgotten about us. When we experience the chaos of losing a job, a broken relationship, a difficult medical diagnosis, the unexpected death of a loved one, or some crisis or calamity, it can throw us into an all-out panic. But where is our faith in moments like these? If we put our trust in Jesus Christ, God in human flesh, and remember that he is in complete control over everything in the cosmos, we can have supernatural peace to sustain us through life’s fiercest storms.
There are so many situations in life where we are powerless. Week after week, I see people try to calm their own winds and still their own seas, and I watch many of them get washed overboard. Rather than putting their faith in Jesus Christ, they try to cut their anxiety with alcohol, numb their pain with drugs, and burn off their sorrow with destructive behaviour. I believe Jesus is the only one who has the power to still the storms of life!

February 26th 10am – 1pm USED BOOK SALE WITH COFFEE AND HOMEMADE CAKE. Great selection of books and delicious cakes.

March 2nd is Ash Wednesday. A joint Sung Mass at Holy Trinity at 7:00pm with Imposition of Ashes and the joint choirs of Holy Trinity and St Andrew’s will sing the Mass along with the famous Allegri “Miserere”. Confessions can be heard by appointment.

The Lent Course: God at the Movies – Every Thursday evening in Lent at St Andrew’s in Deal from March 10th until April 7th at 6:30PM. Ask for a lift!

Stations of the Cross – We walk the Way of the Cross every Friday in Lent at 5:00PM.

April 10th PALM SUNDAY: Liturgy of the Palms, Procession and Solemn Mass with the Reading of the Passionat 9:00AM
April 11th – 13th Mon, Tue and Wed of Holy Week Mass and Homily at 6:00PM
Tuesday April 12th. The Chrism Mass (Blessing of the Oils) at Canterbury Cathedral with Bishop Norman. 12 Noon. All are welcome.
April 14th MAUNDY THURSDAY: Mass of the Last Supper with Footwashing and Stripping of the Altars followed by the Watch at the Altar of Repose. 6:00PM with Watch until 8:00PM.
April 15th GOOD FRIDAY: The Way of the Cross for Children at 10:00AM . The Solemn Liturgy of the Passion at Noon.
April 16th HOLY SATURDAY. EASTER EVE The Great Easter Vigil at 8:00PM for both parishes. The Blessing of the New Fire, Reading of the Prophecies, Renewal of Baptismal Vows and First Mass of Easter.
April 17th EASTER DAY The Parish Mass of Easter Day at 9:00AM
Please don’t forget our outreach projects for the Hygiene Bank and Food Bank. Collection points in the Hall.

This year our APCM will take place after Mass on May 15th. This is a good to time to commit to your prayers the question – Can I serve God in this parish as a member of the PCC? You may also feel called to serve as a Churchwarden, so why not think and pray about this over the next few weeks.

We are looking for volunteers to step up to serve at the altar as Servers/Thurifer and Crucifer. Are you interested? Also new voices to lead our Sunday Intercessions at Mass. Full training will be offered for all these important and vital lay minsitries . See Fr Paul or John Kemp.