The Week Ahead at HTR Services and Events

The Parish Mass every Sunday at 9:00AM.
Sunday School, Coffee and all weekday worship is cancelled while our Church is unsafe due to storm damage on the bell turret.

However, this Sunday we meet in Holy Trinity School at 9:00AM. Our thanks to the Headteacher, Mrs E Price for her kindness and support today.

Sunday February 26th The Sunday next before Lent. 8th in Ordinary Time
Hymns for today’s Mass: 427, 382, 469, 486.
Readings at Mass today: 1st Reading: Ex 34: 29-35. Psalm: Ps 99. 2nd Reading: 2 Cor 3: 12-4:2. Gospel: St Luke 9: 28b- 36

On this Sunday before Lent we read the amazing story of the Transfiguration of Jesus. Whatever we today may mean when we speak of this incident as transfiguration, I have always assumed that what we are seeing here is three people suddenly realizing with super clarity in a way they never had before, the full significance of what they had become involved in. I also think that this episode speaks very powerfully to us in our own time following on from my sermon last Sunday, it would be true to say that the Christian faith is at a crossroads in history. For a long time, it has existed in western culture comfortably and, for the most part, without challenge. That situation is now over. Great forces are changing our society and every institution in it, including the Church. Already our cities are communities of many faiths, including many of no faith. Christian institutions face new challenges and new tasks. Rising to these challenges will call for nothing less than a powerful and complete transformation – if you wish, a transfiguration – of the Church as we know it today.
Whatever the real meaning of the blindingly vivid events on that mountain top, I see Jesus determined to get these companions to grasp certain realities about the challenges to which he is calling them. Are we ready for such a challenge?

This Wednesday March 2nd is Ash Wednesday. A joint Sung Mass will now be celebrated at St George’s Church, Church Hill, Ramsgate at 7:00pm with Imposition of Ashes and the joint choirs of Holy Trinity and St Andrew’s will sing the Mass along with the famous Allegri “Miserere”.
WORLD DAY OF PRAYER – Friday March 4th at 11:00AM in Christ Church, Vale Square. Ramsgate.

The Renewal of Vows and Fr Paul and Maggie’s 25th Wedding Anniversary Mass will now take place at St George’s Church on Church Hill, Ramsgate Saturday March 5th at 11:00AM followed by the Reception at the San Clu (Comfort Inn) as planned.
The PCC will meet at the Rectory on March 9th at 6:30PM. All items for the Agenda to Colleen Kite please.

The Lent Course: God at the Movies – This joint course at St Andrew’s in Deal runs from from March 10th until April 7th at 6:30PM. Ask for a lift!

Stations of the Cross – We walk the Way of the Cross every Friday in Lent at 5:00PM.

April 10th PALM SUNDAY: Liturgy of the Palms, Procession and Solemn Mass with the Reading of the Passion at 9:00AM
April 11th – 13th Mon, Tue and Wed of Holy Week Mass and Homily at 6:00PM
Tuesday April 12th. The Chrism Mass (Blessing of the Oils) at Canterbury Cathedral with Bishop Norman. 12 Noon. All are welcome.
April 14th MAUNDY THURSDAY: Mass of the Last Supper with Footwashing and Stripping of the Altars followed by the Watch at the Altar of Repose. 6:00PM with Watch until 8:00PM.
April 15th GOOD FRIDAY: The Way of the Cross for Children at 10:00AM . The Solemn Liturgy of the Passion at Noon.
April 16th HOLY SATURDAY. EASTER EVE The Great Easter Vigil at 8:00PM for both parishes. The Blessing of the New Fire, Reading of the Prophecies, Renewal of Baptismal Vows and First Mass of Easter.

April 17th EASTER DAY The Parish Mass of Easter Day at 9:00AM

This year our APCM will take place after Mass on May 15th. This is a good to time to commit to your prayers the question – Can I serve God in this parish as a member of the PCC? You may also feel called to serve as a Churchwarden, so why not think and pray about this over the next few weeks.
We are looking for volunteers to step up to serve at the altar as Servers/Thurifer and Crucifer. Are you interested? Also new voices to lead our Sunday Intercessions at Mass. Full training will be offered for all these important and vital lay minsitries . See Fr Paul or John Kemp.