Mothering Sunday and beyond – March 27th.
This week we meet again for The Parish Mass on Sunday March 27th at 9:00AM in Christ Church. There will be Sunday School run by Sherri and her team. We are hoping to be back in Holy Trinity within the next few days.

Sunday March 27th Mothering Sunday Fourth Sunday of Lent. Hymns for Mass: 185, 184, 285, 408.
Readings at Mass today: 1st Reading: Exodus 2: 1-10. Psalm: Ps 34: 11-20. 2nd Reading: 2 Cor 1: 1- 3-7. Gospel: St John 19: 25b – 27.

Today is Mothering Sunday – Lent 4 or refreshment Sunday, but also known as Laetare Sunday. Today is the halfway mark of Lent. We call this Laetare Sunday because of the first word of the Introit or Entrance Antiphon laetare (rejoice); it is a Sunday of joy. The celebrant today wears rose coloured vestments. Fr Paul will bless and distribute Prayer Cards at Mass today.

Today’s Gospel reading focuses on the gift that Jesus gives from the Cross – giving his mother to John, and John to his mother. This has been interpreted down through the years as John representing us, the Church, as the Body of Christ. This means that Mary is following the same role of looking after us as she had when she looked after Jesus. It means that Jesus who gave us the beautiful sacrament of the Eucharist is seeing us as other Christs under the care of his mother. Today we also give thanks to God for our own Mothers, and for all that they do or did for us.

The Lent Course Continues this Thursday: God at the Movies – at 6:30PM in the hall. This week we will watch the film – Winter Light. Loss of faith and the silence of God – subject matter that makes this movie, in a word, fascinating. Handouts will be provided.

The Bell and Turret – the scaffold is now allin place and we are just waiting for the stone masons to begin the work of dismantling so we can once again access the Church safely and restore normal worship and activities. Updates will be on Facebook.

Stations of the Cross – We walk the Way of the Cross every Friday in Lent at 5:00PM. We begin at The Rectory until the Church is safe to use.

April 10th PALM SUNDAY: Liturgy of the Palms, Procession and Solemn Mass with the Reading of the Passion at 9:00AM
April 11th – 13th Mon, Tue and Wed of Holy Week Mass and Homily at 6:00PM
Tuesday April 12th. The Chrism Mass (Blessing of the Oils) at Canterbury Cathedral with Bishop Norman. 12 Noon. All are welcome.
April 14th MAUNDY THURSDAY: Mass of the Last Supper with Footwashing and Stripping of the Altars followed by the Watch at the Altar of Repose. 6:00PM with Watch until 8:00PM.
April 15th GOOD FRIDAY: The Way of the Cross for Children at 10:00AM . The Solemn Liturgy of the Passion at Noon.
April 16th HOLY SATURDAY. EASTER EVE The Great Easter Vigil at 8:00PM for both parishes. The Blessing of the New Fire, Reading of the Prophecies, Renewal of Baptismal Vows and First Mass of Easter.

April 17th EASTER DAY The Parish Mass of Easter Day at 9:00AM

12 Volunteers are needed for the Foot washing at the Maundy Thursday Mass on April 14th at 6:00PM. Please speak to Fr Paul.

This year our APCM will take place after Mass on May 15th. This is a good to time to commit to your prayers the question – Can I serve God in this parish as a member of the PCC or as Churchwarden? The next year will be crucial for our parish and its future as you seek to call a new parish priest after my retirement. The future of Holy Trinity Church is very much in YOUR hands!

SPRING FAYRE at Holy Trinity will take place on April 30th from 12 – 2pm. Can you bake us a cake, make some jam, donate toys and bric a brac? Helpers also needed to man the stalls.