New and Events for week beginning May 1st 2022
The Parish Mass every Sunday at 9:00AM.

Sunday School operates in the hall today.

This coming Sunday May 1st is The Third Sunday of Easter.
Fr Paul will preside and preach today.
Hymns: 115, 113, 107, 117.
Readings at Mass today: 1st Reading: Acts 9: 1-6, 7-20. Psalm: Ps 30: 2nd Reading: Rev 5: 11-14. The Gospel: St John 21: 1-19.

In our Gospel story today, Jesus does something extraordinarily ordinary: He cooks! When you think about it, there are a million and one other more appropriately important and glamorous things that one who has just risen from the dead can do. But here he chooses to make breakfast for his friends!
It’s not really surprising when we realize that one of the first things the Risen Christ did was just as mundane and ordinary as cooking. And what was the first thing he did when he got up that first Easter morning? Why, he made his bed! He neatly folded the shroud and linens, as Peter and John observed when they stepped into the empty tomb.
How wonderful that Easter unfolds in the dullest and most ordinary of our activities and events! The Risen Lord is present and can be found even in the most mundane moments of our lives. We need not wait until we achieve something outstanding. We need not hold our breath for an extraordinary event to transpire in our lives. The Risen Lord walks with us and watches us every single moment, his nearness certainly most deeply experienced in the joyful and the painful, but no less enduring in the dull and the boring. Such is the presence of the Risen Lord in our lives: quiet and often unrecognized, but constant and real. We must never tire of seeking him in all things!

Please note that our Friday Coffee morning and Mass at Noon will begin again on Friday 6th May. Coffee served from 10:30AM.

This year our Annual Parish Church Meeting will take plae after Mass on May 15th. We ask that if you have not yet entered your name on the Church Electoral Roll, and you worship regularly, please complete one of the forms available at the Welcome Desk. This allows you to vote at the APCM. Is God calling you to serve as a Churchwarden or PCC member at this crucial time in our Church life. A Vacancy, a New Priest, the future is yours under God!

This year Ascension Day May 26th will be celebrated with a joint Sung Mass at St Andrew’s in Deal at 7:30PM. The choir and congregation of St Andrew came to us on Ash Wednesday for the Mass at St George’s, so we return the compliment on this Holy Day.

THE MAY DEVOTION TO OUR LADY. Sunday May 20th is our Annual May devotion at Holy Trinity. This is a great event for the children of lour Sunday School, with a procession and sprinkling of flower petals before Our Lady. O Mary, we crown thee with blossoms today, Queen of the Angels and Queen of the May. “God wills that all his gifts should come to us through Mary” (St. Bernard)
It was in Rome, towards the end of the eighteenth century, one fine evening in May. A child of the poor gathered his companions around him and led them to a statue of Mary, before which a lamp was burning, as is the custom in that holy city. There, these fresh young voices sang the Litany of our Lady. The next day, the little group, followed by other children, again gathered at the feet of the Mother of God. Next came their mothers, to join the little assembly. Soon, other groups were formed, and the devotion rapidly became popular. Thus, the Month of Mary was founded.

TRINITY SUNDAY – JUNE 12TH is our Patronal Festival. We are aiming for a very special Mass with visiting preacher – Canon Carl-Fredrik Arvidsson, a grand Bring and Share party and a great day of celebration. Mark your diary now!

SUNDAY JUNE 19TH IS CORPUS CHRISTI SUNDAY. On this day we shall offer a soecial Mass in thanksgiving for the institution of the Holy Eucharist with a concluding Procession and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.