The week ahead at HTR – May 22nd
The Parish Mass every Sunday at 9:00AM.
Sunday School will be in Church for the entire Mass today.
This Sunday May 22nd is The Sixth Sunday of Easter.

This Sunday we celebrate our May Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Fr Paul will preside and preach today. We also bless and dedicate the new Statue of Our Lady of Walsingham, the generous gift of a new pilgrim to Walsingham.
Hymns: 186, 184, 161, Procession 188.
Readings at Mass today: 1st Reading: Acts 16: 9-15. Psalm: Ps 67. 2nd Reading: Rev 21:10< 22-22:5. The Gospel: St John 14: 23 -29.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus tells us that the peace He gives is not like the peace the world gives. It’s inner peace, peace that is independent of circumstances and it’s a peace that’s only possible when it’s received from Jesus. It’s a peace that comes from having our eyes and hearts fixed on Him and not on the circumstances we find ourselves in.
The peace Jesus talks of is ‘The peace of God, which transcends all understanding’ and which ‘will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus’ (Philippians 4:7). This peace is in the heart, and is reflected from a right relationship with God. Sometimes circumstances can seem overwhelming. The tendency is to worry and become absorbed in the problem, rather than pouring out our heart to God and exchanging our concerns for His peace. If we worry about the problems that come into our lives, we look inwards, get disturbed and obliterate Jesus. Peace is found in obeying Him, whatever our circumstances.
Jesus speaks peace to us in the storms of life just as He spoke to the disciples in the storm on the lake (Mark 4:35). His words echo down the centuries, ‘Peace! Be still!’ Storms can be full of noise and confusion, yet He still speaks, and we need to be still to hear His voice. Jesus speaks peace to us in our troubles and says, ‘Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not be afraid’. The peace of Jesus in our troubles is the antidote to fear.
Jesus speaks peace to us in our uncertainties and says that His peace is perfect peace. The one whose mind is set on Jesus will be kept in His peace despite the unknown circumstances. Today, lay it all before Him. If you’re facing difficulties, bereavement, sorrow, sadness, loneliness, or perplexity, hear Jesus say to you personally, ‘Do not let your heart be troubled.

Please note that Friday Coffee morning and Mass at Noon have begun again. Coffee served from 10:30AM.

This year Ascension Day May 26th will be celebrated with a said Mass at Holy Trinity at 10:00AM and a joint Sung Mass at St Andrew’s in Deal at 7:30PM. The choir and congregation of St Andrew came to us on Ash Wednesday for the Mass at St George’s, so we return the compliment on this Holy Day.

Come and join us! THE BLESSING OF THE SEA will take place at St Andrew’s on Saturday May 28th. We begin promptly at 2.00pm from the church and process to the seafront. Tea will be served in the Parish Hall on our return to church. We invite you to join together as an act of witness. It would be great to have as many people to walk the procession from Church to the Sea front. Choir members are especially needed to keep the singing going!

TRINITY SUNDAY – JUNE 12TH is our Patronal Festival. We are aiming for a very special Mass with visiting preacher – Canon Carl-Fredrik Arvidsson, a grand Bring and Share party and a great day of celebration. Please sign up for what you can bring for the Bring and Share meal. Sheet in Porch.

SUNDAY JUNE 19TH IS CORPUS CHRISTI SUNDAY. On this day we shall offer a special Mass in thanksgiving for the institution of the Holy Eucharist with a concluding Procession and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.

Fr Michael Morris will be celebrating his 40th Anniversary as a Priest on July 9th at Holy Trinity Church. There will be a Concelebrated Mass at 11:00AM followed by a Reception afterwards. This is quite a milestone. Please come and help him celebrate.

RICHBROUGH FAMILY DAY. Will you join us for a wonderful day out at St Albans’ Abbey on August 13th. Coach from Holy Trinity and St Andrew’s to St Albans in Hertfordshire. There will be a glorious Mass in the Abbey, Lunch with Bishop Norman and a great day with some time for shopping or sightseeing in city of St Albans. Sign up sheet out soon.