The week ahead at Holy Trinity Ramsgate – May 29th
The Parish Mass every Sunday at 9:00AM. Sunday School will be in the Hall today.
This Sunday May 29th is The Seventh Sunday of Easter.

Hymns: 364, 385, 360, 134.
Readings at Mass today: 1st Reading: Acts 16: 16-34. Psalm: Ps 97. 2nd Reading: Rev 22:12-14, 16-17, 20-21. The Gospel: St John 17: 20-26.

Our Gospel today has much to make us think about our relationship with Jesus. On his last night with the disciples, Jesus shares a meal with them, washes their feet, gives them a new commandment, and answers question after question concerning the fact that he is about to leave them (John 13-16). After all that, Jesus begins to pray.
In Matthew, Mark, and Luke, when Jesus prays before his arrest, he is in Gethsemane, and he prays alone. Even his most trusted disciples are some distance from him, and rather than listening, praying, or keeping watch, they fall asleep.
However, in the gospel of John, the scene is different. Jesus and the disciples have not yet travelled to the garden where Jesus will be met by Judas and betrayed. In John, when Jesus prays, the disciples are within earshot. Throughout the earlier part of the evening Jesus had given them as much information as he could about what was about to happen and how he would provide for them in the future. Now Jesus turns from offering information to them and begins to offer prayer for them.
This shift in the farewell discourse (John 13-17) from information to the prayer of intercession is the first point to keep in mind today. Jesus is not offering instructions to the disciples or to the church they will lead. Jesus takes us deeper. He asks that those who believe and those who do not yet believe “may be one” but he is not exhorting the church here. He is not instructing. He is not even preaching or teaching. Jesus is praying!
How do you feel when someone prays out loud for you? Are you comforted, vulnerable, grateful, honoured, humbled, awkward but appreciative? Maybe one of the reasons it is so easy to turn John 17 into a “to do” list for the church is that such a list is easier to manage than such an experience as intimate as being the subject of another person’s prayer. We are so obviously not in control as we listen to people pray for us. They, not we, are the ones doing the asking, and God, not we, is the one answering the prayer. In that moment of prayer, the Father and the Son spend their time discussing the likes of us and our little community of faith.

Please note that Friday Coffee morning and Mass at Noon have begun again. Coffee served from 10:30AM.

TRINITY SUNDAY – JUNE 12TH is our Patronal Festival. We are aiming for a very special Mass with visiting preacher – Canon Carl-Fredrik Arvidsson, we will conclude with Bring and Share party to end such a great day of celebration. Please sign up for what you can bring for the Bring and Share meal. Sheet in Porch.

SUNDAY JUNE 19TH IS CORPUS CHRISTI SUNDAY. On this day we shall offer a special Mass in thanksgiving for the institution of the Holy Eucharist with a concluding Procession and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.

Fr Michael Morris will be celebrating his 40th Anniversary as a Priest on July 9th at Holy Trinity Church. There will be a Concelebrated Mass at 11:00AM followed by a Reception at the San Clu afterwards. This is quite a milestone. Please come and help him celebrate.

You are invited to a Church BBQ All five of the Parishes of the Society of St Wilfrid and St Hilda in Canterbury Diocese are getting to together on July 31st for a BBQ at St Michael’s Church in Harbledown, Canterbury. Cost is only £2 for food and bring your own drinks – wine, beers or soft drinks. Lifts can be arranged, see Fr Paul for details.

RICHBROUGH FAMILY DAY. Will you join us for a wonderful day out at St Albans’ Abbey on August 13th. Coach from Holy Trinity and St Andrew’s to St Albans in Hertfordshire. There will be a glorious Mass in the Abbey, Lunch with Bishop Norman and a great day with some time for shopping or sightseeing in city of St Albans. Sign up sheet out soon.