The week ahead at Holy Trinity – June 19th

We extend a very friendly welcome to our Parish Mass concluding with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament at 9:00AM this coming Sunday – June 19th.
Fr Paul will be the celebrant today and preacher.

Sunday School in the Hall.

The Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ which we celebrate this Sunday is a joyful celebration of the real presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. We believe that devotion to the Blessed Sacrament flows from the heart of the Mass into which we enter in receiving Christ, hence, the Mass is the re-presentation of the action of Jesus on the night before he died.
Since the 13thcentury there has been a great desire in the Church to venerate the Blessed Sacrament, in a moment of adoration, worship and contemplation. Corpus Christi was first celebrated in Liege in Belgium in 1246. In the midst of the dynamic drama which is the worship of God during the Mass, the adoration of Christ’s presence in the Blessed Sacrament remains “… a still point in the turning world”.
Corpus Christi is a special opportunity for deep adoration of the abiding presence of Jesus in the eucharist. But this sacred moment cannot last for ever. Because the many worlds we inhabit roll back into their place as we engage in the complexities of modern life. Our mission is to transform the world and the many worlds in which people live remembering the words of the great St. Irenaeus: “The glory of God is humanity fully alive”.
Hymns: 288, 276, 272, 307. The Hymns for Benediction are on the sheet.
Readings at Mass today: 1st Reading: Genesis 14: 18-20. No Psalm today. 2nd Reading: Romans 1 Cor 11: 23-26. The Gospel: St John 6: 51 – 58.

Every Wednesday Mass at 6:00PM and Friday Free Coffee served from 10:30AM with Mass at Noon.

PLEASE congratulate your NEW CHURCHWARDENS Paul Gorham and Peter Hulcoop who were admitted to the Office of Churchwarden at Canterbury Cathedral last Tuesday. We also sincerely extend our thanks for the hard work of Mary Somers-James and Clive Baker who have stood down to concentrate on other areas of Church life. Mary will become more involved in pastoral care, and Clive in the promoting of the Hall hire.

The people of St Andrew’s in Deal invite you to their Summer Fayre on Saturday June 25th at 10AM.

Fr Michael Morris will be celebrating his 40th Anniversary as a Priest on July 9th at Holy Trinity Church. There will be a Concelebrated Mass at 11:00AM followed by a Reception at the San Clu afterwards. This is quite a milestone. Please come and help him celebrate.

You are invited to a Church BBQ All five of the Parishes of the Society of St Wilfrid and St Hilda in Canterbury Diocese are getting to together on July 31st for a BBQ at St Michael’s Church in Harbledown, Canterbury at 3:00PM. Cost is only £2 for food and bring your own drinks – wine, beers or soft drinks. Lifts can be arranged, see Fr Paul for details. The event will conclude with Solemn Evensong and Benediction.

RICHBROUGH FAMILY DAY. Will you join us for a wonderful day out at St Albans’ Abbey on August 13th. Coach from Holy Trinity and St Andrew’s to St Albans in Hertfordshire. There will be a glorious Mass in the Abbey, Lunch with Bishop Norman and a great day with some time for shopping or sightseeing in city of St Albans. Sign up sheet out soon.

Our Summer Fayre and Afternoon Teas will take place at Church on July 23rd from 2:00PM till 4:00PM. Offers of Bric a Brac, Cakes and Homemade Jams etc gratefully received. Please see the churchwardens for details of what you can assist with.

CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE Please pray for Samantha Hembling and Raymond Green to be married at Holy Trinity Church on Friday July 29th at 2:00PM.