News and Events at HTR week beginning July 10th 2022
Welcome to our Parish Mass this coming Sunday – July 10th at 9:00AM.

Fr Paul will be the celebrant today and preacher – Covid Testing permitting. If no Mass then Sunday Morning Prayer. Sunday School will not take place today due to Covid outbreak and no Coffee after Mass.
Hymns: 362, 391, 271, 408. Psalm 25: 1-10.
Readings at Mass today: 1st Reading: Deut 30: 9-14. Psalm 25: 1-10. 2nd Reading: Col 1: 1-14. The Gospel: St Luke 10: 25-37.

Fr Paul would like to thank John Kemp for the way he stepped up at the last-minute last Sunday to lead the congregation in Sung Morning Prayer, I hear amazing reviews! Also, a huge thank you to Wardens and congregation members for your kind words and offers of help during the week while testing positive with Covid. It is good that when your clergy are down, the worship does not stop! Well done everyone. Fr Paul
Fr Paul will be off duty from tomorrow Monday 11th July until Saturday 16th July.

Weekday worship will remain cancelled for safety during the severe rise in Covid cases in our area. Please wear a face covering if you can and sit socially distanced. There is hand sanitiser available throughout the Church.

I wonder if there is any passage in the Gospels that goes to the heart of being a disciple of Jesus better than this story of the Good Samaritan. Today’s Gospel asks – What does it mean to be a Christian? Don’t many of us identify being Christian with faithful observance of external requirements? We see religion primarily as observing the “do’s and do not’s” we have been taught. But Jesus’ story of the Good Samaritan challenges this basic assumption.
A man fell victim to robbers on his way from Jerusalem to Jericho. He was stripped and beaten and left half dead. Two men approach, a priest and a Levite. These men, from religious classes known for their punctilious observance of the Jewish law and enjoying the very highest religious status and respect among the Jews, pass by the victim, actually crossing to the other side of the road. Then a Samaritan traveller, a member of a break-away religious sect despised by Jews, comes upon the victim. He is moved with compassion, dresses the victim’s wounds and brings him to an inn covering all expenses.
Then Jesus puts the question to the scholar of the law who was trying to test him, “Which of these was neighbour to the robbers’ victim?” The answer is obvious: not the priest or the Levite but the despised Samaritan whose heart was moved with compassion. For Jesus this Samaritan becomes the exemplar of living the great commandments of love. He only was the true neighbour!
Punctilious fulfilment of religious obligations that does not include compassion for those in need does not make a true disciple of Jesus. The Gospel challenges us Christians: Who are the individuals or groups in our lives for whom we lack compassion? For whom have we not yet become neighbour?

We are pleased to host the Annual Leavers Service for our school in Church on July 22nd at 10:00AM. Please pray for all our children preparing for this next step of their education as they move to Secondary school in September. The Theme will be Life as a Pilgrimage.

You are all invited to a Church BBQ All five of the Parishes of the Society of St Wilfrid and St Hilda in Canterbury Diocese are getting to together on July 31st for a BBQ at St Michael’s Church in Harbledown, Canterbury at 3:00PM. Cost is only £2 for food and bring your own drinks – wine, beers or soft drinks. Lifts can be arranged, see Fr Paul for details. The event will conclude with Solemn Evensong and Benediction.

RICHBROUGH FAMILY DAY. Will you join us for a wonderful day out at St Albans’ Abbey on August 13th. Coach from Holy Trinity and St Andrew’s to St Albans in Hertfordshire. There will be a glorious Mass in the Abbey, Lunch with Bishop Norman and a great day with some time for shopping or sightseeing in city of St Albans. Sign up sheet out soon.
PLEASE NOTE: There is a question as to whether our Fayre will go ahead on the set date due to Covid problems. Watch this space!

Our Summer Fayre and Afternoon Teas will take place at Church on July 23rd from 2:00PM till 4:00PM. Offers of Bric a Brac, Cakes and Homemade Jams etc gratefully received. Please see the churchwardens for details of what you can assist with.