News and Events for week beginning July 17th

Fr Paul will be the celebrant today and preacher. Sunday School will take place in the Hall.

Hymns: 436, 461, 378, 413. Psalm 15
Readings at Mass today: 1st Reading: Genesis 18: 1-10a. Psalm 15. 2nd Reading: Col 1: 15-28. The Gospel: St Luke 10: 38-42.

During the severe rise in Covid cases in our area. Please wear a face covering if you can and sit socially distanced. There is hand sanitiser available throughout the Church.

Fr Michael Morris wishes to extend his grateful thanks to all who came and supported him last Saturday as he celebrated forty years a priest, also for the kind gifts received.

As they went on their way, Jesus entered a village; and a woman named Martha received him into her home. She had a sister named Mary who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to his teaching. But Martha was distracted with much serving; she went to him and said,” Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her to help me.” But the Lord answered her, ” Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things; one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which shall not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:38-42
Have you ever wondered why Luke included this story in the Gospel. His narrative is filled with profound teachings and awesome healings. Why include this visit to friends to hear the squabbling sisters?
And yet, as we reflect on our own lives, there is a wonderful challenge in this story. Jesus has been giving of Himself to everyone in need. He wants to take time to enjoy a visit with His friends. He needs time to relax and share. Martha, good lady that she is, wants to make everything special for Jesus. Mary understands that what Jesus wants is far more important. Jesus looks forward to sharing, to be renewed by being with people He loves. THAT IS THE ONE THING NECESSARY. Jesus wants both Mary and Martha to be with Him.
Learned scholars have interpreted the story of Mary and Martha as though Jesus is stating that the contemplative life is superior to the mundane active life of Martha. I respectfully suggest that they are way off base. I believe that a true Christian life, calls all of us to be both active and contemplative, to use our gifts, doing our daily chores in such a joyful way that we make our work a prayer, being especially glad that our most important work is to be present to one another and to Our Lord.

We are pleased to host the Annual Leavers Service for our school in Church on July 22nd at 10:00AM. Please pray for all our children preparing for this next step of their education as they move to Secondary school in September. The Theme will be Life as a Pilgrimage.

You are all invited to a Church BBQ All five of the Parishes of the Society of St Wilfrid and St Hilda in Canterbury Diocese are getting to together on July 31st for a BBQ at St Michael’s Church in Harbledown, Canterbury at 3:00PM. Cost is only £2 for food and bring your own drinks – wine, beers or soft drinks. Lifts can be arranged, see Fr Paul for details. The event will conclude with Solemn Evensong and Benediction.

RICHBROUGH FAMILY DAY. Will you join us for a wonderful day out at St Albans’ Abbey on August 13th. Coach from Holy Trinity and St Andrew’s to St Albans in Hertfordshire. There will be a glorious Mass in the Abbey, Lunch with Bishop Norman and a great day with some time for shopping or sightseeing in city of St Albans. Sign up sheet out soon.

Our Summer Fayre and Afternoon Teas is postponed until further notice due to a rise in Covid figures locally. Please watch this space for new date.

Fund Raiser for Myeloma UK with a NGS Garden Party at the home of Canon Fred Arvidsson 24th July 11am until 3pm at Monks Hall in Mongeham.