The Week ahead at Holy Trinity Church – August 7th

Welcome to our Parish Mass at 9:00AM. Fr Paul will be the celebrant today and preacher. Sunday School is now on Summer break until next term – September 11th.

Don’t forget our Mass on regular every Wednesday at 6:00PM and every Friday at Noon. Free Coffee served every Friday from 10:30AM. On these days we explore the Saints and Holy Days of the Church Calendar.
Hymns for Mass this Sunday from New English Hymnal: 468, 499, 296, 368. Psalm 33: 12-22

Readings at Mass today: 1st Reading: Gen 15: 1-6. Psalm 33: 12-22. 2nd Reading: Heb 11: 1-3, 8-16. The Gospel: St Luke 12: 32-40.
In the Gospel set for today we hear the powerful words “Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” I can never hear these words without thinking of a sermon preached by the now Bishop of Glasgow when I was Rector of St Salvador’s in Edinburgh. I took over a small and very fearful little congregation struggling against all odds with a church building that was not fit for purpose, horrendous vandalism all around us, not to mention intimidation and fear of what it meant just to walk to Church in that area of west Edinburgh. Fr Kevin Pearson, now Boshop Kevin began his sermon to us that day with these words, and it lifted the mood in a most amazing way.

Today, that little flock are still growing, we developed land around the Church, renewe the interior, and made ourselves fit for purpose. The work continues with a new priest, a faithful congregation, and all the excitement of the Gospel encouraging the congregation to engage with their community in very exciting ways.
Our own personal stories are so often filled with examples of wrongs people have done to us, failures we have experienced, embarrassments we have suffered and rages we have never entirely overcome. Yet the love which dominated Jesus’ life and took him to the cross seeks to embrace each of us in such a way that we come truly to believe there are new and better alternatives for us when we allow the realities of His kingdom to take over in our lives.

PASTORAL CARE– as we approach a very short vacancy without a priest, Mary Somers-James will head up pastoral care as from now. This will mean she can be contacted for pastoral visits and Home Communion at the time of illness. Although Fr Paul does not leave until September 25th, it is important to put in place a provision of pastoral care and a contact person to effect a smooth transition, and to make sure no one is neglected when they need the Church and the Sacraments in their time of need.

THIS COMING SATURDAY IS THE RICHBROUGH FAMILY DAY. A wonderful day out at St Albans’ Abbey on August 13th. Coach from Holy Trinity and St Andrew’s to St Albans in Hertfordshire. There will be a glorious Mass in the Abbey, Lunch with Bishop Norman and a great day with some time for shopping or sightseeing in city of St Albans. There are still places available. Pick up times to be announced on Sunday. Cost is £18 per person.

Sunday August 14th will be our celebration of the Assumption of Our Lady into Heaven. Sung Mass at 9:00AM.

The next Cell of Our Lady of Walsingham Mass and Rosary will be on Saturday September 3rd at 11:30AM at St Andrew’s in Deal. Fr Roger will preside at Mass.

Fr Paul’s last Sunday with us as Rector will be September 25th.

Saturday September 10th is Ride and Stride – our church will be open all day.

Our Summer Fayre and Afternoon Teas will now take place on Saturday September 3rd from 2:00PM – 4:00PM.