Events and Worship this week – 28th August

Welcome to our Parish Mass at 9:00AM – August 28th – Trinity 11 (22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time).
Fr John Chater will be the celebrant today and John Kemp will give a talk as Fr Paul is still struggling with a very painful Kidney stone!
Sunday School is on Summer break until September 11th.
Mass every Wednesday at 6:00PM and every Friday at Noon. Free Coffee served every Friday from 10:30AM.
Hymns for Mass this Sunday from New English Hymnal: 334, 341, 336, 362 Psalm 112
Readings at Mass today: 1st Reading: Ecclus 10: 12-18. Psalm 103: 1-8. 2nd Reading: Heb 13: 1-8, 15-16. The Gospel: St Luke 14: 1, 7-14.

The Gospel set for today St Luke 14: 1, 7-14 hits home about the way many people view their own importance within this life. Most of us detest self-promotion when we see it writ large in someone else. However, each of us has a strange ability to find “reasons” why we “need” to promote ourselves.
Jesus wants us to give up on our self-promoting ways. He calls us to be humble and then let God do the exalting. We shouldn’t be surprised when the apostle Paul held Jesus up as the perfect example of humility — Jesus did not cling to position, he emptied himself of self-promotion, and was obedient to God, and God exalted him at the proper time (Philippians 2:5-11).
Pride is destructive, selfish, and poisonous to Christian service and maturity. Let’s humble ourselves before both God and other people and trust him to honour us at the appropriate time. Perhaps we should never forget the occasion of the Last Supper when Jesus took upon himself the humble role of the footwasher servant. Food for thought!
“We can build influence by self promotion, but God will only promote those who do not promote themselves. That which is built on self-promotion will have to be maintained by human striving. Those who allow God to build the house have taken a yoke that is easy and a burden that is light.” Rick Joyner

Fr Angus James Beattie will be the new Rector of the Plurality of St Andrew’s Deal and Holy Trinity, Ramsgate. He will be Instituted on November 7th at St Andrew’s in Deal. Please pray for Fr Angus and his wife Maxcine as they prepare to move to Ramsgate in October.

The next Cell of Our Lady of Walsingham Mass and Rosary will be on Saturday September 3rd at 11:30AM at St Andrew’s in Deal. Fr Roger will preside at Mass. Please ask for a lift – we do car share! Also a shared Mass at 9:30am on September 8th at Deal for Our Lady’s Nativity.

WEDNEDSAY – September 7th after Mass at 6:00PM. Agenda items to Mary Somers-James please.
Fr Paul’s last Sunday with us as Rector will be Sunday September 25th. The Mass that day will be followed by a Buffet Lunch. All are invited to join us in saying our farewell to Fr Paul and Maggie.

Saturday September 10th is Ride and Stride – our church will be open all day. Can you help man the church and offer a welcome to our many visitors? Perhaps you may even wish to be out and about on the Ride and Stride with sponsorship. As a parish we receive 50% of everything we raise. Please support Lynette Smith this year, as Paula Tibbert is on holiday.

Summer Fayre and Afternoon Teas will take place on Saturday September 3rd from 2:00PM – 4:00PM.
Can you help? We need cakes, jams and Bric a Brac, Toys etc for sale. See Clive Baker for details.