This coming week at HTR – September 4th

We extend a very warm welcome to you to join us for our Parish Mass at 9:00AM – September 4th – Trinity 12 (23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time).
Fr Paul will be the celebrant and preacher. Sunday School returns on September 11th.

Mass every Wednesday at 6:00PM and every Friday at Noon. Free Coffee served every Friday from 10:30AM.
Hymns for Mass this Sunday from New English Hymnal: 433 omit * verses. 376, 339, 332. Psalm 1
Readings at Mass today: 1st Reading: Duet 30: 15-20 Psalm 1. 2nd Reading: Philemon1-21. The Gospel: St Luke 14: 25-33
23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time – Luke 14:25-33 Trinity 12 –

The Gospel for today can be a difficult one to understand. Jesus once again was on the road with his disciples and great crowds were following him. At one point, Jesus turned to the crowds and addressed them. He said: “If anyone comes to me who does not hate his father and mother, wife, children, brothers and sisters, and even his or her own life, he or she cannot be my disciple.” Jesus then adds: “Whoever does not carry his or her cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.”
These are extremely strong words! Did Jesus truly mean that we are to hate our parents, brothers, sisters, children and friends? Or is Jesus telling us that if we choose to follow him, we need to realize that Jesus needs to be first in our lives? Jesus is making a very clear and strong point. Our primary allegiance always needs to be to Jesus. Jesus is not saying that we cannot or should not love and care for our families and our friends. He realizes that we have committed ourselves to our families and we need to live out that commitment.
Rather, Jesus is telling his listeners what is essential. First and foremost, Jesus must be first in our lives. However, Jesus also wants us to love and care deeply for our family, our friends and for the world community. Today may we strive to love each person we encounter: the person we pass in the grocery store, a co-worker who is struggling, or an individual we simply do not like. The quality of love that Jesus hopes we will have for one another surpasses the simple notion of liking another person. Rather, Jesus hopes that we truly will love every person in our world. This may sound impossible. However, with Jesus’ grace and love, we have the ability to do this. Will we choose to do this?

Today at Mass we will dedicate the New PA System which has been installed in loving memory of Liz Somers-James. Liz was a faithful servant of this Church, serving as Hon Treasurer, Chorister and Sacristan. We honour Liz today as we dedicate this PA system costing over £7,000 and donated by her sister, Mary Somers-James. Liz gave to many charities over her life, and one of her serious causes was the RNLI. So at the end of Mass we listen to one of her favourite pieces of music by Irish singer, Phil Coulter – Home from the Sea.

Fr Angus James Beattie will be the new Rector of the Plurality of St Andrew’s Deal and Holy Trinity, Ramsgate. He will be Instituted on November 7th at St Andrew’s in Deal. Please pray for Fr Angus and his wife Maxcine as they prepare to move to Ramsgate in October.

Fr Paul’s last Sunday with us as Rector will be Sunday September 25th. The Mass that day will be followed by a Buffet Lunch. All are invited to join us in saying our farewell to Fr Paul and Maggie.

Saturday September 10th is Ride and Stride – our church will be open all day. Can you help man the church and offer a welcome to our many visitors? Perhaps you may even wish to be out and about on the Ride and Stride with sponsorship. As a parish we receive 50% of everything we raise. Please support Lynette Smith this year, as Paula Tibbert is on holiday.

Holy Baptism. On Saturday September 17th we welcome into the family of faith through the Sacrament of Baptism baby Albert Lovatt at Noon.