News and Events at HTR week beginning September 18th
We welcome you to join us this Sunday for our Parish Mass at 9:00AM – September 18th – Trinity 14 (25th Sunday of Ordinary Time).

Fr Paul will be the celebrant and preacher. Sunday School in the Hall.
Mass every Wednesday at 6:00PM and every Friday at Noon. Free Coffee served every Friday from 10:30AM.

Hymns for Mass this Sunday from New English Hymnal: 346, 341, 351, 364 Psalm 113
Readings at Mass today: 1st Reading: Amos 8: 4-7. Psalm 113. 2nd Reading: 1 Tim 2: 1-7. The Gospel: St Luke 16: 1-13
In our Gospel today we hear the confusing parable of the dishonest steward, (Luke 16:1-13), Jesus makes it all so very clear. He uses the industriousness of this dishonest steward to challenge us, to remind all of us that “the children of this world are more prudent in dealing with their own generation than are the children of light.”
Perhaps we are inclined to forget that we are the children of light. How are we living our own lives? Are we allowing the light of truth to shine into every area of those lives? Do we believe that the Christian faith is to inform every aspect of how we live, or have we set apart certain areas which are outside of the reach of the saving truth of the Gospel?
We need to hear these words from Jesus with humility and honesty – and allow them to root themselves deep within us, so that they lead each one of us to a change in lifestyle.
This parable depicts a dramatic example of the separation between faith and life. In most of our lives, the separation is played out in more subtle ways. For example, in how we conduct our business. How often do you hear as an excuse for a Christian who does not inform their business practice with the principles derived from faith, the excuse – “that’s business”.
There is so often a ‘disconnect’ between the faith Christians profess and the way we live our daily lives. Western culture would not be in the current state of moral decline if Christians understood and lived their Christian faith in an integrated manner, informing every aspect of our human experience and social participation with the principles and practices which flow from that faith.
Our Gospel passage makes it clear; the goods of this earth are given to everyone of us as stewards. God alone is to be served and loved with all of our heart. We are called to receive all of these goods, no matter what they are, as a gift and direct them toward what is good and true. We are stewards and the parable of the unjust steward is addressed to each one of us today. We need to listen.
Fr Angus James Beattie will be the new Rector of the Plurality of St Andrew’s Deal and Holy Trinity, Ramsgate. Fr Angus will be Instituted on November 7th at St Andrew’s in Deal. Please pray for Fr Angus and his wife Maxcine as they prepare to move to Ramsgate in October.
Fr Paul’s last Sunday with us as Rector will be Sunday September 25th. The Mass that day will be followed by a Buffet Lunch. All are invited to join us in saying our farewell to Fr Paul and Maggie.
Please note that after Fr Paul leaves, the Rectory telephone will not be operational. There is a new number that will operate for Holy Trinity and will be manned by Churchwardens. Telephone number after 25th September is 07719 952819

On September 29th you are warmly invited to attend the celebrations at St Michael’s Church in Harbledown, Canterbury.
You are invited to the Patronal Festival for St Michael and All Angels Day. Solemn Mass at 7:30pm folllwed by a Buffet Reception. Preacher is Canon Clive Jones. Vicar of St John, Higham and All Saints, Perry Street. Diocese of Rochester.

This year as we shall be without a priest, our Annual Requiem Mass will be a joint Sung Mass of Requiem at St Andrew’s on Deal on November 2nd at 7:30pm. The usual lists are available in Holy Trinity for you to add the names of your departed loved ones for inclusion at the Requiem. Please ask about a lift to Deal.