New and Events at HTR week beginning September 25th

We extend a very special welcome to you this coming weekend as say our farewell to Fr Paul and Maggie Blanch at our Parish Mass at 9:00AM – September 25th – Trinity 15 (26th Sunday of Ordinary Time).
Fr Paul will be the celebrant and preacher for the last time today before he retires. Sunday School in the Hall.

There will only be one Mass every Wednesday at 6:00PM during the short vacancy offered by Fr John Chater and Prayers at Noon every Friday until Fr Angus arrives. Free Coffee served every Friday from 10:30AM.

Hymns for Mass this Sunday from New English Hymnal: 478, 465, 408 and final hymn on sheet. Psalm 113
Readings at Mass today: 1st Reading: Amos 6: 1a- 4-7. Psalm 146. 2nd Reading: 1 Tim 6: 6-19. The Gospel: St Luke 16: 19-31

Today’s Gospel is the story of Lazarus and the rich man. This is another story with which we are very familiar. Lazarus was a poor man, and his body was covered with sores. He begged right outside the door of the rich man’s house. The rich man was always dressed in fine clothing and ate only the finest food. Even though Lazarus was present outside the rich man’s house day in and day out, the rich man ignored Lazarus!
These two men died within a few days of each other. When Lazarus died, he was immediately taken to heaven by the angels to Abraham’s bosom. Shortly after this, the rich man also died and was buried. The rich man, however, did not go the heaven. Instead, he went to the netherworld where he suffered great torment. By some means, the rich man was able to see Abraham in heaven and surprisingly he saw Lazarus at Abraham’s side. The rich man was stunned! How could this be? Shouldn’t he be the one at Abraham’s side?
The rich man called out to Abraham and begged him to send Lazarus to him with some water because he was suffering great torment. However, Abraham reminded the rich man that he had received many gifts and graces while he was on earth while Lazarus suffered. Now however, their positions were reversed: Lazarus was receiving many graces and much comfort while the rich man was the one in torment. Lazarus was reaping the gifts and blessings that had come from living a good life, while the rich man was reaping the results of the selfish choices he had made in his life.

Today may be a good day to ask ourselves what we are sowing in our daily lives. Is it love, care, concern, peace, joy, and generosity or is it negativity, self-centeredness, greed, and criticism? We will reap what we sow. Which seeds we will choose to sow in our lives today and tomorrow? Let us be mindful of our choices.

Fr Angus James Beattie will be the new Rector of the Plurality of St Andrew’s Deal and Holy Trinity, Ramsgate. Fr Angus will be Instituted on November 7th at St Andrew’s in Deal. Please pray for Fr Angus and his wife Maxcine as they prepare to move to Ramsgate in October.

After Mass today all are welcome to join us for a Buffet with wine.

Please note that after Fr Paul leaves, the Rectory telephone will not be operational. There is a new number that will operate for Holy Trinity and will be manned by Churchwardens.
Telephone number after 25th September is 07719 952819

All Souls Day
This year as we shall be without a priest, our Annual Requiem Mass will be a joint Sung Mass of Requiem at St Andrew’s on Deal on November 2nd at 7:30pm. The usual lists are available in Holy Trinity for you to add the names of your departed loved ones for inclusion at the Requiem. Please ask about a lift to Deal.
The new Address for Fr Paul and Maggie is as follows: Haven Villa, 8 Lancaster Close, Great Steeping, Lincolnshire, PE235HA. Email remains the same. [email protected]