Life at Holy TRinity – Week beginning May 8th 2022
You are invited!
The Parish Mass every Sunday at 9:00AM. Sunday School operates in the hall today.
This Sunday May 8th is The Fourth Sunday of Easter. Fr Paul will preside and preach today.
Hymns: 112, 393, 294, 413.
Readings at Mass today: 1st Reading: Acts 9: 36 – 43, 7-20. Psalm: Ps 23: 2nd Reading: Rev 7: 9-17. The Gospel: St John 10: 22-30.
The setting for today’s Gospel is the Temple. Jesus is in the Portico of Solomon and several Jews gathered around him and asked: “How long will you keep us in suspense? Tell us who you are! Are you the Christ?” They desperately wanted to hear Jesus to say to them: “Yes, I am the Christ.”
However, Jesus did not do as they asked. Rather he said to them (perhaps in an exasperating way): “I have already told you who I am! And you refuse to believe me.” Jesus then tells these difficult Jews that his “sheep” not only hear his voice, they also listen intently to his voice. His sheep trust him and they follow him. Jesus will give up his life to protect His sheep from harm. Jesus then says that he will give them eternal life!
Did the Jews want to understand who Jesus was? Or were they simply harassing him? I suspect they wanted Jesus to give them an answer that they could use against him in the future. It is clear that these Jews were not open to Jesus’ message. They simply were trying to manipulate him!
Jesus refused to play their game. I assume that his refusal to answer their questions simply fuelled the Jews’ anger. Did his response intensify the Jews’ desire to rid themselves of Jesus? Yet Jesus stayed true to who he was. What a model Jesus is for us!
Do we speak out about what we believe, even when the people who are listening may not want to hear what we have to say? Do we have the courage of Jesus to stand up and speak of our beliefs and values, in the face of criticism or anger? Being a follower of Jesus is not easy! Will we be a true follower of Jesus?
Please note that our Friday Coffee morning and Mass at Noon will begin again on Friday 6th May. Coffee served from 10:30AM.
Next Sunday our Annual Parish Church Meeting will take place after immediately after Mass. We ask that if you have not yet entered your name on the Church Electoral Roll, and you worship regularly, please complete one of the forms available at the Welcome Desk. This allows you to vote at the APCM.
PLEASE NOTE THAT OUR PILGRIMAGE TO WALSINGHAM takes place from May 16th -19th. There will be no Wednesday Mass on the 18th but the Friday Noon Mass will take place as normal.
This year Ascension Day May 26th will be celebrated with a said Mass at Holy Trinity at 10:00AM and a joint Sung Mass at St Andrew’s in Deal at 7:30PM. The choir and congregation of St Andrew came to us on Ash Wednesday for the Mass at St George’s, so we return the compliment on this Holy Day.
THE MAY DEVOTION TO OUR LADY. Sunday May 20th is our Annual May devotion at Holy Trinity. This is a great event for the children of our Sunday School, with a procession and sprinkling of flower petals before Our Lady.
TRINITY SUNDAY – JUNE 12TH is our Patronal Festival. We are aiming for a very special Mass with visiting preacher – Canon Carl-Fredrik Arvidsson, a grand Bring and Share party and a great day of celebration. Mark your diary now!
SUNDAY JUNE 19TH IS CORPUS CHRISTI SUNDAY. On this day we shall offer a special Mass in thanksgiving for the institution of the Holy Eucharist with a concluding Procession and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.
Fr Michael Morris will be celebrating his 40th Anniversary as a Priest on July 9th at Holy Trinity Church. There will be a Concelebrated Mass at 11:00AM follloowed by a Reception at the San Clu (Comfort Inn) afterwards. This is quite a milestone. Please come and help him celebrate.