Application form for Church Electoral Roll

What is the Electoral Roll?

The church’s Electoral Roll is the register of its voting
members; it is a list of those qualified to attend and to
vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting.
Electoral rolls provide an indication of the real
membership and strength of the church.
Who can be on the electoral Roll?

Baptised adults (over 16 years) who live in the
parish, or who have worshipped regularly at
Holy Trinity for at least six months and are committed
to being part of the life of the local Church of England

Why Join?
Enrolment is a way of saying….“I belong”.
For us it is an act of commitment to Holy Trinity Church
and the church as a whole. It opens the way for
a greater involvement in the life of the church at
parish, deanery, diocesan and national levels.

At Holy Trinity we believe God wants us:
 to worship Him above all others
 to be members of His family
 to grow in our faith
 to be ministers of His grace and use our
gifts and talents for the benefit of others
 to be messengers of His love

Please download the Application form at the link below and return it to Fr Paul at The Rectory via post or email.  Thank you.

Application-for-Enrolment-Electoral-Roll (2)